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A v-e-r-y Fast Aircraft

Kip Powick

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And the hoax site:


And the movie site:


An intelligent, next-generation drone fighter plane develops a mind of its own and an American pilot must go up against it.

Stealth promises to be a high octane, glued-to-your-seat, action-packed adventure. It recently ended primary filming in Australia. The movie now moves to post-production, and will be completed and in theatres by 2005.

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You couldn't wait could you tongue.gif ........I r-e-a-l-l-y- wanted to stir the pot about the femme pilot and the big machine biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif The pics were sent to me by a non aircrew type who was really excited about the plane and his wife was really excited that a woman was in the cockpit.........his wife is a "burn-your-bra-type...ooops did I say that??...anyhow, he was somewhat deflated after I sent him the EXACT SAME reference you posted. I was wondering if he'll tell his wife.

You don't see many jet jocks, male or female, going flying without an O2 Mask on wink.gif

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