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Pilots Face two choices

Kip Powick

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Pick your poison, pilots:

United Airlines is giving pilots two options for pay cuts — along with a warning the airline wants to reserve the right to make more cuts, if necessary, once it leaves bankruptcy protection. The pay cut options are part of the airline's latest call for concessions, which this time amounts to $725 million in wage and benefit cuts, according to The New York Times. The two options United put on the table include an 18% wage cut with few work rule changes, or an 8% wage cut with significant changes in work rules that pilots have resisted in the past. And then there's the warning that more cuts may be needed after the airline emerges from bankruptcy. Industry consultant Bob Mann tells the Rocky Mountain News the cuts are so drastic, he wonders: "Why would anyone want to work there anymore?"

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..... Industry consultant Bob Mann tells the Rocky Mountain News the cuts are so drastic, he wonders: "Why would anyone want to work there anymore?"

This guy is not much of a consultant!!!

There are lots of pilots working for a lot less money than these wage rates would generate. They would jump at the chance for a job at UAL still.

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