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Everything posted by Seeker

  1. History will prove this issue is much more nuanced than is being presented. Those opposed to forced vaccination have a point that will be vindicated.
  2. ...and what is the mis-information?
  3. https://www.free2fly.info/
  4. 1. Not morons. 2. At least 600 pilots and FAs
  5. This withdrawal from Afghanistan will go down in history as one of the most monumental failures of US foreign policy ever. I understand the decision to withdraw but to do it such a disorderly and haphazard process is embarrasing.
  6. You might hear it in Canada if you listen the right sources. Sky News in Australia is the equivalent of The Rebel in Canada. Ezra says all the same things. You're right, you'll never hear it on the CBC just as you wouldn't hear it on ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp) or any main stream media but here are a few sources, you know, if you're looking for the Right perspective: https://tnc.news/author/tnccanada/ https://www.rebelnews.com/ https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre https://thepostmillennial.com/
  7. Don't know what happened either. Couldn't fix it so I deleted it.
  8. Thank you Kip. Those videos were sent to me by a family member who is suffering through PTSD, depression and suicidal thoughts and I thought they were good to share. If a big, strong, British, military sniper dude had fallen into the pit of despair and pulled himself out - it's beacon of hope for the rest of us. In the sense that our depression is not unnatural or irreversible with the correct supports. I know several co-workers, and acquaintances that have committed suicide which, unfortunately, is not uncommon. As a result I am acutely aware of the problems with identifying those in this state of mind and the problem of how to support them. I have recently (in the last few years) greatly expanded the time I am willing to spend with any person who expresses negative thoughts or signs of resignation - the smallest amount of support to a person on the bubble can make a difference.
  9. Followup to previous video. Don't watch this one if you haven't watched the previous one.
  10. Sobering video. Fair warning - this is not a happy, uplifting video.
  11. I've come to realize - my life is so boring:
  12. I thought you should leave it down to help with an emergency re-boarding if needed? Anyway, probably got knocked down during the frolicking portion of the cruise! PS - wasn't there a movie that used that as a major plot point - everyone ends up in the water and they all drown because nobody can re-board?
  13. Jacuzzi Boat. What if you could have your cake and eat it too? https://i.imgur.com/AIocWXb.mp4
  14. The passenger does OK until about 15 seconds in - then, not so much; https://i.imgur.com/lj7Q6N3.mp4
  15. OMG, this is a funny video. The woman, Nicole, is apparently a monster truck driver and has a Youtube channel where she goes out to experience different driving situations. In this video she checks out a VW Beetle that some dude has stuffed with a 500 HP Subaru WRX engine. The first part (11 minutes) is the story of the build process and looking over the car - interesting but not the funny part. The funny part is the second half - driving the car. Start from about 13:15 if you're not interested in the story of the build. Watch the owners face as he drives the car - never seen that level of focus - the car, obviously, is massively over-powered and vicious to drive. Then he lets her drive the car! The transmission has no syncros so there's lots of grinding (cause she does it wrong) and missed shifts along with the look of terror on the guy's face every time she gets on the gas! This is almost exactly my experience trying to teach my wife to drive a standard (except for the 500 HP part).
  16. Ain't that the truth - spent a lot of time myself picking rocks and loading the stone boat, also stooking hay bales.
  17. A girl and her tractor. What can I say, I like tractors. She's got mad skills - if you don't have time for the whole thing watch from 4:30 where she drives in formation with the harvester doing live off-load. Also from 13:55, backing up the farm trailer with pivoting front axle - impressive. Definitely not your average city girl.
  18. I might be up for a game if my opponent had (small) shots bourbon in their glasses.
  19. I'm quite proud of myself as I managed to do something today that I've been trying to do for about 40 years - I watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Extended, Director's version) for start to finish without falling asleep! The trick is to start watching it at 1:00 PM instead of 10:00 PM. I'm a big Tarantino fan and he says it's his favourite movie. I have to say that I really don't think the extended Civil War desolation scenes (the extended part) add much to the story. It's on Netflix if anyone feels up to the challenge.
  20. I don't know much about big water boating - biggest thing I've had was a 17 foot Bayliner but I do know green water over the bow is a bad thing.
  21. The manager at a government office which has been telling Canadians to avoid travel for 10 months takes a free trip and then boasts about it on her blog!? Seriously, if you wrote that into the plot of a movie or book it wouldn't be accepted. The politicans who got caught at least had enough sense to try to hide their activities. Baker, apparently, didn't even think she should try to hide it. With decision-making skills like that you have to wonder how she gets through her day.
  22. Article posted by Airband, above, says that before this purchase Amazon had 80 aircraft in their fleet! I had no idea their operation was so big.
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