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Regarding Tango


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Now that they have announced that Tango is to be re-absorbed into the main fleet, will they go to a three class seating arrangement on the aircraft?

I envision the same as the old Connisseur days with there being a separate cabin up front for the "J" passengers who should get what they payed for, and then the "Y" cabin being split with the different sections being designated with head doillies.

The only major difference that I can forsee is that if you pay the economy fare, your meal might be included, whereas if you are in the Tango section with the lower fare, then you have the option of paying for your catering.

Should make it easy to add or remove seats depending on loads, just by changing the headrests, and Cara can load up the appropriate catering at the last minute.

As I am just a front line kinda guy, I hope that they have the foresight to consider this kind of program.



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