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Judge Hornswoggled, Blunders In Favour Of ACP

Guest Nova Zemlya

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Guest Nova Zemlya

Judge Hornswoggled, Blunders In Favour Of ACPA

Liquidation Imminent

Air Canada pilots could sue over unpaid bonuses and pension contributions

Last Updated Fri, 16 May 2003 12:44:39

TORONTO - Air Canada's pilots association says it's prepared to sue the airline's board of directors if its members don't get the pension and bonus money they're owed.

The pilots say they are owed more than $6 million in bonuses. That's on top of $125 million to $135 million in pension contributions the company owes all of its unions dating back through 2002 and the first quarter of this year, Richard Jones, the pilots' lawyer said.


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"The pilots say they will sue Air Canada's directors if they don't get a fair deal in the company's restructuring under bankruptcy protection."

Reminds me of :"Air Ontario pilots say they will sue some of Air Canada's pilots if they don't get a fair deal in the seniority dispute."

Let me see if I have this straight….So now I guess that the Air Ontario pilots will be supporting the ACPA pilots so that they have something to win when they sue them.

Man, oh man.

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Guest rance

"Reminds me of Air ontario pilots saying they will sue some of the ac pilots if they don't get a fair deal in the senority dispute"

Seems to me that ac pilots were the ones that walked away from binding arbitration because the deal wasn't exactly what they wanted. So we can all thank them for the present situation (rj flying). If it wasn't for acpas crying we would have been one happy list and management would be unable to put one group against the other for the cheapest flying. we all lose and acpa has a role in this situation.

you reap what you soe.

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