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Toronto Star re AC

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Guest neo

""They wanted us to sign a confidentiality agreement, which we refused to do, and then they release all the information," said Don Johnson, head of the powerful Air Canada Pilots Association."

If you refuse to sign an agreement of confidentiality, why would you complain that the information was made public? Or am I missing some information that makes sense of that quote?


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Guest chiselcharter

If Farley is into one sided arguments he may be impressed. It seems AC is willing to go public with information that supports their cause, trashing unions, blaming everyone else, etc. If they want to wage a media campaign then let's open the door. The Milton team play hardball ask anyone that's involved. Their attitude is my way or the highway.

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Guest Airmail

I guess it's a matter of perspective since the union leadership at AC have generally been seen as being amongst the most rigid around -- just look at what they were unable to accomplish when more was being accomplished over at AMR?

The $650 million sure looks a lot better now!

I guess instead of trying to be cocky about CCAA the way Fane, Johnson, Ritchie and Sachs were in the week prior to April 1, they should have paid attention that CCAA means negotiating not just with management but with a whole bunch of others as well.

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Guest chiselcharter

Say what you may, Milton plan was to put AC in to CCAA. Even the unheard of Rupert Duschene(?) mentioned recently that going CCAA was a good way of cleaning house.

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Guest Skirt

I can't answer for the other unions, but just prior to CCAA, ACPA offered:

An immediate pay decrease of 22%, based on a 78 hour month, for 48 weeks (a similar term that the CAW had earlier negotiated with Air Canada and EI). We would enter into immediate negotiations to agree to productivity increases. All other union groups and management had to take an equivalent reduction in pay. There would be no CCAA filing during this 48 week period.

Add on to that the recent agreement to reduce our flying another 7 hours this month, and the numerous LOU's we have signed in the past few years to help the company out regarding Zip aircraft, Jets flying and shrink flex hours and it all adds up to doing our part.

So please stop refering to ACPA and our union leadership as hard nosed or rigid, cause the facts show different!

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