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Dear Zipped

Guest George

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Guest George

Dear Mr/Ms Zipped/Zapped:

I will state a couple of assumptions I will make before I have to say what I have to say.

I believe that you are an ex CAI pilot, on the B737, on the Wet Coast. Please feel free to correct any of these assumptions with your own "claims".

Anyhow, on to my message.

You seem like a very angry and bitter person, Mr or Ms Zipped. I am not trying to be condescending. I think you have a significant problem. It appears that the fact that you now work for AC, has just about ruined your life. AC is the worst airline in the world to work for, ACPA is the worst pilot union, and RM is the worst CEO.

CAI was a great airline but it no longer exists. This fact appears to upset you. You seem to think that RM is soley responsible for the state of AC and for your misery.

I think you better deal with this in a more constructive manner than your ranting on this forum.

I do have a couple of questions for you, though. Whether it was RM's ego and arrogance or Fed Gov't pressure that caused AC to buy CAI, do you think that it shouldn't have happened? You do realize that bankruptcy and liquidation were only hours away for CAI employees in late December 1999. The year 2000 could have started off with 16,000 people on the EI line. But it didn't.

So please explain what has been done to you that you hate AC so much? If it really offends you so much, why don't you leave?

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