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AC Flying Blind

Kip Powick

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Guest terrier

Don't see any spin. Ms. Pigg has written the article but the opinions quoted are those of others. Seems like a factual and balanced article.

Yes, it show AC up to its usual tricks even now but that is not the writer's fault.

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Guest Airmail

Interesting spin indeed.

Amazing how Sue Pigg can quote Sean Dunphy, AC's lawyer, without actually quoting the words he apparently used.

Since Dunphy is a lawyer, one can only imagine how judicious he would have been in selecting his words and since Sue Pigg is making a pretty amazing accusation, one would hope that it was based on information she heard first hand rather than from third parties who are quoted in the article with clearly competing agendas.

Another piece of worthless "journalism" brought to you by the brains at the Toronto Star.

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AHHH journalists,
the best qoute I have heard as of late to best describe these folks was,"all they are for is to fill the space between advertisements.

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Guest shibui

alternatively, we can paraphrase the great scholar Frank Zappa who described journalism as "people who can't think interviewing people who can't talk for the benefit of people who can't read'...

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Guest terrier

How did you read it then in order to form an opinion? Or are you the one exception to the great Mr. Zappa's rule?

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Guest terrier

It seems to me that my ability to learn new tricks is less important than that of you and yours over at AC. The times they are a-changing and I would suggest that AC management, its unions and other employees go on a "NEW tricks" course as a matter of urgency. The old ones won't work much longer.

Alternatively, you can carry on in the same old way with the same old tricks all the way into liquidation.

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The competition bureau is a farce that should be dismantled, their only purpose in life seems to be to hassle air canada, why are they not taking on other industries as they are supposed to do, the oil companies would be nice, talk about collusion.
I think they should change their name to the federal I hate Air Canada bureau,AC can not even move with out these clowns squacking,if AC lowers its fares, it is predatory pricing, if AC raises fares, it is price gouging,(so much for gouging being in CCAA),but it is ok for West Jet to offer $5.00 one way fares, that is not predatory pricing,no no!As I stated, they are a farce and should be closed down.

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Guest shibui

Work on that thought there, it just might be a glimmer of comprehension.

The quote implies that thinking people don't get their opinions off the rack.

Whoops - just gave you one, didn't I?

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Guest 100 Above

This is the best post I've seen in awhile. Emotional but rational. You have definitely called a spade a spade. Good for you !!!

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