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Ahhh... the wading....

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Sometimes it seems this forum style/format is a wee bit tedious to me... When things get thick with heated threads galore... and there's something down below somewhere from someone you want to respond to, but you cant' remember which thread... and you need to open each thread to find it, since you can't just look through the thread subject headers and posters, like with the old format... So you wind up having to scroll through a lot of stuff you may have found tiring the first time through....

Especially, I think, for a guy who's almost unable to piece together two thoughts in a coherent fashion for four days out of every eight, because he's flipped his clock upside down again...

What I'm trying to say... as I begin the process of flipping my clock back to a day shift, for my days off, ... is that there are posts somewhere down below that I'd like to respond to, from ccairspace, and Cabin Dweller, and Innuendo, and maybe a few others, but I can't find 'em right now. huh.gif

You know what... I probably wouldn't have had anything worth saying anyway... but I remember thinking in each case that I appreciated reading the comments.

Will that do for a response? tongue.gifblink.gifbiggrin.gif

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You know what... I probably wouldn't have had anything worth saying anyway...


I wish you could find all those posts because you and other significant contributors are great correspondents, and, depite the self-deprecation, if you have a comment to make I know I would like to read it.

I also find it hard to track backwards to find the threads to which I originally wanted to respond and, I agree, it is really hard wading. They take such convoluted paths outward from the original title sometimes and end up on a totally diffferent subject. It would be nice if there was some sort of search engine. Maybe even by poster. Like "all posts by Mitch Cronin between this date and that date".

Which reminds me, I had a post I was hoping Don would respond to. Maybe I'll give him a poke in the ribs.


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Guest rattler

ccairspace Posted on Aug 7 2004, 09:05 AM

See my post above re "My Assistant". The very search feature you need. cool.gif

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Thanks rattler. Bit eerie having you answer my question before I posted it... (If I type "Doo, doo. Doo, doo" can you hum the tune?? laugh.gif )

I tried the searach engine and there is still a bit of wading but no where near the quantity as before. The subject search doesn't work. I had been looking for some posts on the 7E7 and eventually bumped into them again on the AME forum. That was just serendipity though, because I would have had no idea who had originally posted the topic.

Enjoy your posts.


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Guest rattler


Re tune, was it "Galloping Comedians" by the Harmonicats??? biggrin.gif

Re Search, there is another search engine on the main screen right by the help button. It also works well and will yield 7e7 info if you pad the request upto 4 letters thus the search for the 7e7 is entered with a wildcard eg. 7e7*. (I used the keyword feature) This should yield the results you are looking for.

Cheers and thanks for the kind words.

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Guest CabinDweller

Yes… that’ll do for a response.

Especially since I can relate to several points you make. I too prefer the old forum(at) over this enhanced version when it comes to the necessary wading. Also, I read several threads at a time, then come back to make a post a little later. Gives one a chance to at least try to formulate a response that makes some kind of sense before chicken pecking it out. Though… usually fall short. Sometimes thought can penetrate through the sleepy haze we shift workers put ourselves through.

I think when it comes to people like us; the response is usually as much for us as the person/s were responding to.

My chosen “skin” offers a little dot to indicate threads I’m active with. You most likely wanted to respond to me under the header: Sleeping Disorders

Off in 30minutes for almost a week of paddling with Dad and Son up north. Kind of T’s intro to the more extreme/self-sufficient style of activities I prefer. Other than 1/2 a crocodile-tear when he realized we were serious about no GameBoy, I’m not worried. He’s (helped) plan the trip from day one, and I’ve just finished printing off the last of some lyrics from last weeks songs to sing around the fire and during the road trip. Any chance I could learn to play the harmonica in 30 minutes?

Back Friday night for work, talk then.

“Crawling towards the light…”


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What it is, I think, is some kind of less than concious effort to avoid the stuff that brings me down... What I read, to at least some small degree, can effect my mood - a point which I'm no doubt aware of even several degrees below concious thought, so while it's not like I can't stand to read the sparring, jousting and gun-fights within the many my-team's-better-than-your-team threads here, I tend to avoid wading through them all, at least on my work days. rolleyes.gif

Since this is really an Anything thread:

- Innuendo mentioned below, and in a PM, that he'd learned from his uncle who worked with PW turbines pumping natural gas, that the things can in fact run on natural gas.

That old turbines instructor I mentioned once said that they could be made to run on almost anything, including peanut oil, if you could set up the fuel control unit appropriately. Which makes pefect sense when you consider the simplicity of how turbine engines work... I didn't know of any that would run on a compressible gas though. While the gas turbine engine is indeed a simple device, the mechanics of a fuel control unit that correctly meters fuel delivery through the varying loads and demands and pressures of atmospheric changes and speed, so as to maintain efficiency and avoid stalling... is not so simple. In fact, the gadgetry attached to the average high bypass turbofan these days is pretty darn complex.

I've never seen the versions that are used for power generation or pumping. I'm wondering if they might need to be a little less complex simply because they're almost exclusively used in a constant state? In a pumping station, engine trimming equipment could remain attached during use and perhaps even computer controlled to trim for changes in fuel density and pressures?... I could be full of beans too though... I'd like to see the differences. Maybe there's no need for anything different at all, and a relatively standard FCU can easily be made to handle a gas vs. a liquid?

- Someone was talking about music and how so much of what comes out today can't begin to compare with so much from a while ago... I absolutley agree! It strikes me though, that my Dad used to say that too. blink.gif But then, he hadn't yet heard the music of today. tongue.gif (I don't think he ever gave any Blues or Rock a fair listen either)

A week of paddling with your Dad and your Son sounds like a fantastic thing! I wish I could do that. ... and I hope I can do that maybe 25 years from now with my Son and his... strikes me as unlikely unless I can quit the dang nicotine weed. You'd think that alone would be enough motivation eh?... wonder why I haven't done it yet? huh.gif

...enough of this prattle.... Work to get done before the race at The Brickyard... biggrin.gif

Cheers all...


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Good day Mitch,

What I read, to at least some small degree, can effect my mood

Ditto. Unless I am in a really, really really good mood to start with and can laugh it all off.

Had a chuckle reading your post re turbine fuel.

I could be full of beans too though...

My brain just sort segued, in a literary sense rather than musical (although I suppose it could be musical as well...), and visualized a Mitch Cronin "natural" gas fueled turbine engine, and honestly it was a tad too much information. tongue.gif


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