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Kite Surfing


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Kiteboarding is one of the neatest sports around.

More extreme than windsurfing, and potentially more dangerous, yet perfectly safe if you respect it. (like flying) wink.gif

The most important thing to consider is taking lessons. Not only will you learn the correct and safe way to fly your kite, but you'll also be using someone else's equipment, which, of course, takes a beating initially. An excellent kiteboarding website to peruse is www.kiteforum.com

If you can get yourself away from your island with 12 mo. of good wx (yes, jealous), then head over to Cabarete in the DR, where on a good day you can see over 100 kites plus 100 windurfers on the water. Just got back from 2 weeks of fun. Or, visit www.windsofcabarete.com

Like anything new, it takes some determination to learn. But once youre out there, there is no better feeling than ripping along at 25 kts, turning on the waves and taking those jumps up into the wild blue yonder! Enjoy!

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Thanks----the problem in Bahrain is that there are no clubs or schools! sad.gif

I've been looking at the various sites and may have to convice my wife that it is better I go somewhere for a week (with her of course) and learn properly smile.gifsmile.gif

...and man it looks like fun!

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