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Have you ever flown in the Arctic?

Kip Powick

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I think some of you are aware that I am involved with writing/proofing/ etc. biographys from retired airline pilots…any company…as long as it was based in Canada. I get a few bios each week and one crossed my desk that I found very interesting. I would like to give the gentleman a “free plug” here on AEF……

If any of you did any flying in the Arctic you might find this interesting….anyhow here is part of what was included in his bio.

QUOTE I just finished writing a book about my experiences flying as a neophyte DC-3 captain in the Arctic before I joined Nordair. I don’t pretend to be another Ernie Gann but, in his tradition, I tried to put the reader in the cockpit with me rather than say, “I took off, crashed, fixed the prop, and took off again”, like so many aviation books today. I also spent about half the book describing the interaction of the various cultures that worked in the Arctic in those days and the beauty and dangers of the Arctic environment. The book is called, The Big Dipper Route and is available for $16.95 plus shipping from me at the following email address: danbereza@shaw.ca UNQUOTE.

I am sure many of you know the author, Danny Bereza, and it sounds like a good read..

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Welcome back. I had the pleasure of flying with Danny on a couple of occasions while he was working contract for us after his retirement. He sat left seat for me on my first ride on the '37 and we did a few trips subsequent to that.

He is a real good stick and a truely interesting gentleman. Will definately pick up his book.



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Hi Pete,

Yup, Danny filled me in on where he is working now, also knows a couple of great guys I flew with in WD. The only arctic experience I have was when I was flying MIL CV580s and C130s up in that area so even I am very tempted to spring for the book as well.

It was a real eye opener for this southern farm kid to come out of a bar at midnight and find it was still daylight !!! blink.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprisingly, now that I am home, I discovered that there is another literate Arctic Pilot on the horizon... GreatSlave.

I see he has a 3 part series on flying Skiis, Big Wheels, and floats in Canadian Aviator.

For what its worth, I was writing one of those 'bungling fool pilot ' memos, and happened to see the big wheel article. Tired and disgruntled after a long day, I sat down to read it critically, and... guess what? He was pretty much spot on in most of his observations! I'll find out whether his ski hints work for the Northern Hemispere this afternoon. cool.gif

BTW Sorry,

Spanish Keyboard in Ecuador between poles. dry.gif I was too busy concentrating on being really warm for the first time in 5 months to find the ' symbol. Where it normally lives there's a choice of four symbols and that was the closest I could get.

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Thanks for that. Really. It's always nice to hear from your peers that your opinion on things isn't neccesarily grounds for a phsycriatic...psicriatic...sycriatic...Oh to hell with it...grounds to have your head examined. Particularly when one's articles are not prefaced by a long, legal sounding disclaimer.

My time in the bush will always be the cornerstone of my story telling and I do miss it...everything except digging out drums. The jet driving gig doesn't seem to lend itself to many stories. "No Sh1t... there I was on the ILS when the glideslope packed it in". Yaaaawn.

I take it that you're recently back from the great frozen continent. Please tell us about it. I'm something of a student of the great Antarctic explorers; Byrd, Shackleton, Scott, Amundsen etc. I have never been, but am fascinated. I have worked out a plan to get there with my boat but the wife says that I'll be doing that trip alone and very well insured. Perhaps I will have to do a tour in a red and black Twin Otter before I hang up my spurs.

Once again, thanks. Let's hear a story or two.


(ps...I've figured out who you are. Nice yackin' with you again.)

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