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Wanna see some real cool aircraft photos?

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Guest eastcoast

Great pictures I like the one of the DC3. Still a beautiful airplane in my mind. Great sound to it on takeoff at -40. Especially when it was going South.......

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Where were you based?? Flew two "normal" DC3s and one Turbocharged DC3 out of YYB back in '65-'68.

When the unit folded, we flew a three plane formation aptly called "FIGMO Formation", back and forth across RCAF Stn YB and spun rolls of toilet paper out the cockpit windows.

Got tired of that and chucked out rolls.

Unfortunately a couple of the rolls slammed through the windows of the base steam plant...got in a little doo-doo over that. rolleyes.gif

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Guest Hadrian

Those pics of the Raptor make me feel jealous, that thing is so sweet, it cruises at Mach 1.8. This sucks, some effemminate Air Force girlie-man is going to get to fly that thing and I'm going to be stuck with a freak'in antique. The USAF always gets the best of everything... sad.gifmad.gif

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Guest eastcoast

didnt fly them but loaded a lot of carnation milk and mail in them over the years up in Northern Ont and Que

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I rec'd an email form a fellow who viewed the picture link I posted....we conversed...... he was not aware that at the bottom of the last picture in my posted link, there are many more links of airshows this fellow had "shot".

If you also missed all the links, perhaps you might want to go back to my original link, scroll to the bottom and check out some of the other links for many more exceptional photos.

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