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From a retiree

Kip Powick

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One of the projects I am presently working on is the accumulation of biographys of retired airline pilots in Canada. A couple of us in RAPCAN are slowly gathering bios and interesting stories from our many retired airline pilots in Canada. My job is to "proof" them and look for typo/ grammar errors etc.

Naturally each pilot wants to end their bio with a strong sentence expressing their inner thoughts about what they loved about the job. I thought I would share the final line that a retiree ended his bio with. I am sure he won't mind...

The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire, and when my turn comes to die, I hope it will be like that magic moment when you turn on to the runway and open the throttles as far as they will go.

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Kip, that is a fabulous quote! When the project is done, will these bios be available for everyone to read, or just for Rapcan members?

Dork, I've noticed another rather significant difference between large and small aircraft - the size of my Visa bill! laugh.gif

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