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Crunch These Numbers

Kip Powick

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So everyone wants to throw numbers around so take these and crunch them…….

Our hosts say 2000 registered users but let’s say 500 have dropped off the board…well we know some will never come back :> so let us say that we now have 1500 registered users but only 500 seem to be really hammering the keys and using the bandwidth …so pessimistically we have 500 authors of which 14…that’s right 14…, have donated to this board.

That is just about as bad as AC’s year end results, cause if my math is correct that means 2.8% of y’all have dug in your pockets……………shame……

I promise I’ll get off the soapbox if we get at least 100 donations by the end of APRIL.

Those who have donated:


To register your donation:


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I can't even access the site to give a donation, it's so freakin' busy! Time to $ante$ up for a new mainframe, boys and girls.

Must...have more...bandwidth.

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And then there is some who don't have a Pal to Pay..just kidding sort of. How do you give a donation if you don't have a pay pal account??

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Guest nrtflyer

Is there any way one can make a contribution without giving all the information Pay Pal wants? Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest M. McRae

I see our hosts have read your post and now provide for donation by mai.....

**For those that would prefer to NOT use Paypal, You can email us here at info_@theairlinewebsite.com and we will send you our address details.**

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