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This is the IAM... my union (ugh!)

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What total buffoonery! In another set of circumstances, I'd be thrilled that they're showing the world at large how completely inept they are. I can't seem to find any joy in that at the moment however.

Dave Ritchie... El Presindente and supreme ruler of the IAM Canada for life, says "No Way"...

Jean Jallet, duly elected leader of district lodge 140 of the IAM, say's "We have a tentative agreement and we'll let the membership vote."

Dave Ritchie says, "Silence you little peon! I'm the supreme hot dog, No way will we let our members have any say in their futures!"

Jean Jallet issues a "bulletin" response to El Presidente Supreme ruler for life Ritchie, saying "Yes we will", and signs it "In Solidarity"

Ya .....right. "Solidarity".... good grief!

Jallet may be a better man than I'd previously thought... perhaps he's even a "gentleman", as was suggested here?... but neither of these two, nor the right hand man to El Presidente, one Mr Ron Fontaine, can seriously expect any of their members to take the IAM seriously ever again, if we do not now see this come to a vote.

I will most certainly file a section 37 complaint for failure of duty of fair representation, and further, I'll seek legal council for the notion of a class action suit if I am not permitted to vote on this issue.

Dave Ritchie should be pounding the pavement in the EI lines, not those he is supposed to represent.

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Seriously Mitch...you are never happy. You've got an individual in Jallet who is standing up to Ritchie et al & saying that the membership is going to have a say in this deal....and you're slamming him as well.

After ranting on forever that you have no say.

What's up with that?

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Guest Lancaster

If you don't side with the ruler of the IAM, then how can you truly call yourselves part of the IAM? You will be construed as having broken ranks. You are falling into the trap of AC. Perhaps they want all kinds of in-fighting. It will weaken your postion.

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"Jallet may be a better man than I'd previously thought... perhaps he's even a "gentleman", as was suggested here?... but neither of these two, nor the right hand man to El Presidente, one Mr Ron Fontaine, can seriously expect any of their members to take the IAM seriously ever again,"

Sounds like a slam to me...you're tarring them both with the same brush.

Perhaps you should think a little more before you post...or put the Appleton's away.

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As tempting as it is right now to simply tell you to go ____ ____self, for your inference that I've been drinking, I'll resist that temptation and suggest instead that you consider that the slam was aimed directly at the IAM, not Mr. Jallet... I think your vision might just be a wee bit blurred if you couldn't read that.

And no, I am not joking. What ever would be the joke in that?

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Guest Chugalug

The only "entity" here that seems to have broken from the rank is Dave Ritchie. Everything else seems democratic.

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