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It can happen

Kip Powick

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TRUE STORY to illustrate that "it" can happen to anyone re "alternate runway" thread below.

Obviously I have not named the other pilot.( bigger than me)

We were motoring into YVR on a summers eve, the evening sun was not much of a factor, we picked up the airport at about 7 miles on final and were cleared to land on 26R. There was very little traffic at that time. It wasn’t my leg so as usual, I was just excess baggage, along for the ride.

The other pilot had the T-Rex stabilized, speeds were on the money and all was well with the world.

I normally say very little on approach, most pilots don’t like to be bothered with trivial conversation while concentrating on impressing the world with their God given skill so, again I just sat there looking at the approaching airport. Hmmmmm I thought, how far should I let this go ????

I turned to the other driver and said, “How long have we got here before we head back to YYC?”

Very slightly annoyed the other pilot glanced over and said, “About an hour and fifteen minutes, I think.”

“Ah fine”, I replied, “That will give us time to compose a fine letter.”

“Letter?? What letter?”

“The one we’re gonna have to write if you land on the runway you’re lined up with, which is 26L….seeing we were cleared to land on 26R”

“Arrgggghhh” as the aircraft did half a split “S” and lined up with 26R and the wheels dropped from the wheel wells..

Yes kids, a T-Rex can carve a very tight turn a short distance from the runway and still make a great landing cause it is a real airplane.

We all laughed about the incident, even the tower, and once more “ skill triumphed over a brain fart”

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