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Justice in Canada.. a JOKE

Kip Powick

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A 16-year-old female sitting in an Internet café is convinced by some low-life to try RAVE. She does, goes into convulsions on the floor. Our “hero” refuses to call the ambulance as he may be arrested for selling drugs.

The girl dies.

The seller is caught

Sentenced today......…Eligible for parole in 16 months.

Has the price gone up for a bullet?....used to be $0.09.......

I guess you know where I stand

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On CFTO (YZ) TV News at 6:00pm. Probably be in the paper tomorrow. So far no links. The fact that Belinda is tossing her hat into the PC leadership race is more interesting...... I guess.....for some people.

PS... Belinda has her own website which is her name and .ca but be careful what you type in cause Belinda and .com is a soft porn site...or so they said on the news... I would never know :>

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All the liberals want is to tax and harrass the legal gun owners. Yet they ignore the real problem: Illegal guns and gangs. Their whole mandate is to bring as many criminals into the country that they can find and put their jackboot on the throat of the legal citizens.

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