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For ----- AME

Kip Powick

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On the evening news it was stated that there is a new program out, courtesy the Feds where an individual can draw from a pool of money, similar to UI, to ease the financial burden of those that must stay home to assist.

I don't have all the details but I'm sure you can find it, and only you would know if it applies to your situation...Good Luck


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Thanks so much for thinking of me, I will indeed look into it, sadly, I'm afraid my situation may change before the money runs out.


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A truly timely and essentially Canadian way of addressing this need.

Sadly, I have a vision of some HRDC style billion $ scam surfacing a couple of years down the road.

" The new benefit will also be available to EI-eligible workers if the gravely ill family member does not live in Canada. The same eligibility rules will apply. "

It would be nice to be wrong.

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