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Take a Peek

Kip Powick

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Guest stick man

Yeah, Get Fuzzy is one of the best strips to come along in a while.

My favourite of all time has to be "Bloom County".

In times such as these I really miss the humour and satire that B.B. spun with a cast of flightless waterfowl, dead cats, introspective eight year olds, a wheelchair bound vietnam vet, a swinging slob lawyer who never won a case, and of course, a basselope. Unfortunately, not a lot of people really seemed to like it, or get it.

Any other fans on here?

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Are you kidding? Bloom County was one of my all-time favorites! Still have my Opus the Penguin doll.

By the way, the creator of the strip decided to end the strip on his own; it wasn't a lack of popularity that caused its demise, if that's why you think people didn't seem to like it.


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It's my all-time favourite as well, but I think it was too far to the right of the prevailing (unchanging?) media spectrum to last for very long.

I do often recall the gang's planned visit to the "Planet of the Open-minded Swedish Air Hostesses" while playing Star Trek. Hope to visit there someday myself.

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Guest leftbase

HUGE fan here checking in! Have all the Bloom County compilations...

Incidentally, (coincidentally?), "Opus" has made a return to comic syndication as of this Sunday past!



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Guest Geminoid

Does anyone remember which paper carried Bloom County in the YYZ area? I'd like to support Berkley's website and contact the paper asking that they run it again. I could only find the London Free Press in the website newspaper list.


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Guest stick man

Yeah, Breathed is an interesting dude, no doubt. I admire his decision to call it quits (and later "Outland" as well) even though I was sad to see it end.

I guess his strip was one of those things that has a very loyal and enthusiastic fan base - those who like it, like it a lot.

I've tried to interest all the girls I've ever dated in both Bloom County and football and so far I'm batting a big donut on both counts.

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Ya know, I never thought of Bloom County as being right wing at all. Not in the least. Berkley Breathed (could that possibly be his real name?) simply poked fun at everyone.

He lampooned rednecks, nonecks, feminists, celebrities, hunters, the military, politicians, newspapers and the media... if there was an identifiable foible to anyone, he would point it out. But he was never nasty about it, and frequently he was quite charming. And he loves animals. Right wing? I don't think so.

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