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More on Hockey

Kip Powick

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While in the Military, many decades ago, I had the opportunity to play hockey with JEAN BELIVEAU…what a gentleman.

We had him flown down to Colorado Springs and he was our “ringer” for the annual CF vs PRESS Hockey game where all proceeds went to a home for elderly people. Believe me when I say I am/was not much of a skater.

JEAN graciously allowed each of us to pose with him on the ice in full gear. I am very proud of my picture but don’t tell visitors that my hockey stick, resting on the ice, was the only thing that kept me from sliding out of the photo.... :$

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Kip: you are too modest. I have it from reliable sources that when it came to stick handling your way out of self induced trouble, you were without peer.

Except when it came to extracting yourself from the wrath of Scuba2 at which time your eloquence usually started with a defiant "Yeah, but..". Which, in the annals of husband/wife strife going back to the sorry saga of the apple, has never been known to work.

PS I echo your statement about three point hockey: in my days as a Gordie Howe wannabe, if I lost my stick in a dustup on the ice, I needed help to get back to the bench.. However, I could poke back as much beer as the superstars during the after-game wrap-up.

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