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Poem for Remembrance day

Mitch Cronin

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...from my daughter, Rosalie: (age 12)

Gun shots blood drops

I'm lying here in fear

pain shoots up my leg

and down my face runs a tear

I close my eyes, I shut them tight

knowing theres no need for fight

more blood spills pouring on the ground

I cannot hear a sound

no heart beat no sound of feet

I feel no pain, and the rain

no longer falls

I open my mouth to shout for help

it makes no sound at all

I must be dead

I try to stand but my body feels like lead

so I leave it there as I walk away

knowing that I died today

As I walk I see my friend who died 3 days ago

he sits by a stream, a smile on his face

knowing that here, this spot, is his special place

he turns to me and in his eyes I see a glimpse of sorrow

he knows in his heart his family will live to see tomorrow

he says that's why we died

for the lives of others

not just our sisters and our mothers

but for all the world and their children to be

so all of them can live and die free

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Guest flyersclub

a thoughtful poem. i also reminded my teenaged son that we must remember the 6 young canadians who have recently died for Canada ... usually nov. 11 is associated with ww1/2 but tragically the dying continues.

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.... as I read and consider your words, "tragically the dying continues.", my daughter's playing Sarah McGlachlin's "you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here"...

Now that's synchronicity! ...'scuse me while I mop my face...

It's a sad world we got from our parent's, and we'll hand to our kids. I had better hopes for our generation, I hope the next one can do better than we have so far.

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