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Kip Powick

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Guys…. I’m very pleased to be retired and am enjoying each advancing year. It probably stems back to when I reached 40. I was not happy about hitting that milestone until an old friend said, “Don’t complain about growing old….many people don’t have that privilege”.

So while you guys are out there scraping ice off the magic machines think about us old fellows basking in the Southern sun and remember the immortal words of that great pitcher, Satchel Paige …

"How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are ???"

:) :) :) :)

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Hiya Kip

We're not just in touch with our collective inner children, we're violating them!!!

To match quotes...

In the words of the immortal Groucho Marx...

"You're only as old as the women you feel"

Hope life is treating you well!!!


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