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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Wife tired of him always going out on his bike... revenge.mp4
  2. I have a friend who bought one of the first electric cars ever built in Canada.? One day he mentioned that one of his first trips was from Toronto to Miami and the total cost for electricity was only $1.47..... He failed to mention that the extension cord cast him $4,139.87.
  3. I guess it is how you do your job. You think the driver would; (a) feel the loss of 17,500 lbs (over 8 tons) (b) would occasionally check his rear view mirror towing that total amount of weight As someone remarked, lucky no one got hurt. Tow job Decades ago I was towing my first boat, a Eaton's Viking with a 25HP on the back with my newly acquired Mustang with the BIG rear tires....?... I was going from my "out-laws" in Ottawa back to North Bay, (my first Mil posting). We left OW in the dark so it was a nite tow......Occasionally I would check the mirror to see if everything was OK. At one point I looked in the mirror and the bow of the small boat was pointing about 45 degrees to the right of the centre line.....I slowed and stopped and went back and looked. The rope that was supposed to hold the bow of the boat to the trailer had frayed and broken. My fault and I was lucky but since then I have never towed any boat I owned with out a safety chain loosely attached to the boats bow ring and I use a webbed strap as the main line to the trailer winch..
  4. Just heard on TV that one, or perhaps it is the two companies are attempting to modify the vaccine so that it could be shipped at room temp....Hope that works.
  5. Awwwwww pooor guy...needs 3 take-offs and 3 landings within 90 days..... Geeze...with the "Truckasausrex" we used to do 6 take-offs and landings in ONE DAY and then do the same thing the next day.....and it sure was a lot more fun than what that Captain is doing, .however, his "take-home" was certainly more that us peons .
  6. Just covering all my bases,Jeff, all my bases, just in case there are other options.?
  7. The only reason for such a position is with the expectation that I have an appointment with a millionaire sexual nymphomaniac who has indicated that she wants to have my body..........
  8. Rather enlightening..... https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/how-much-does-space-travel-cost-ncna919011
  9. Being picky, I know...but the poppy should be worn on the left side of you jacket over your heart. In the case of flight and cabin crew it should always be worn above your wings.
  10. The government also has an ongoing competition for the acquisition of a new fighter jet to replace the Air Force’s fleet of CF-18 aircraft. Canada isn’t expected to announce the winning bid until at least 2022, with deliveries of aircraft scheduled for 2025. But Saunders said training for that future aircraft will be separate from FAcT, as the requirements are set by a different Air Force program office. Hopefully all that gets cut......and again, just my opinion....
  11. I was a newbie with Wardair and was privileged to be on the A-310 when it was first introduced to WD. I was doing the pre-flight walk around when I noticed a man in civvies loading the belt that went up to the tail cargo compartment. That was normally where the crew baggage went. I stopped and asked one of the fellows loading the forward compartment, " Who's the civvy working the rear belt?" He smiled and said "That's Max...not unusual to see him helping anywhere he can." He was probably one of the main reasons morale was so high in WD. Ever find a passenger that felt WD was not a good airline to fly on ???
  12. I had a trip in one...Just proved that if a brick has enough power, it can be made to fly ? Nevertheless it was a real hoot to try and bend it in the sky. Thank you Captain Tanel !!!!
  13. Have to wake up the old brain and finish the course...Will post photos of my new aircraft if....and when...... I pass the course. Gonna take me until end of December...??
  14. Thanks for the advice Malcolm.?..I think I will leave it here. As you know I am generally opposed to the waste of funds in this space exploration thing so just pushing a few buttons for readers here ? Just my opinion but I would be pro space exploration if we, as earth people, had the blue marble up to speed as far as the environment went but I am rather embarrassed to admit to my grand children that I was, (not any more), of the attitude that things were going well here. I guess now that the "spurs have been hung up" I have more time to see just how bad this beautiful place has become and shudder when I see billions spent because of the misguided search for "what"? Not only have we done exceptional well in polluting our planet....would you be surprised to know that we still have close to 5000 satellites orbiting this planet. While I agree that some have been very beneficial to mankind, do we really need all that junk up there ?? What can I do?? Well I am going back into flying and, when once again qualified, will put my energy into showing, those that will allow me, just how bad things are and how bad they are going to get unless we spend the $$$$ and get the train back on the tracks. Sorry for the rant/tangent...
  15. Better than a bucket of pebbles from an asteroid.....benefits all mankind. .
  16. I am not a fanatical fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, I have seen most of his "I'll be back" movies and he is rather a stilted actor, IMO. I have Amazon Prime and as a result I can watch PRIME movies and last evening I watched a movie entitled AFTERMATH and one of the stars was Arnold. In all honesty I think he played his role well. Naturally there was no long outbursts of dialogue but he did really well playing his part. AFTERMATH is a story of what happens after a mid-air.
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