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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. This man is an ex-USA Military Fighter pilot who now flies for a USA Airline. He has many videos on You Tube relating to different aviation topics including fighters, aviation movies, (top Gun for example), as well as well known aviation accidents . He is also a well known aviation author. Perhaps many of these You Tube videos would be more interesting to pilots but the one in this post is rather humorous, re civil aviation industry, and , for the most part, true.. Enjoy .
  2. Yes....Available at Amazon.ca aef today.mp4
  3. Try some of these moves...Goi ahead...nobody is watching https://1funny.com/footloose-dancing-in-the-movies/
  4. One of my son's is an Engineer.......he was impressed but until "it" is on the market, he will remain old school? eggs.mp4
  5. Just because the package wrap isn't very pretty doesn't mean that the gift won't be great !!!
  6. Check your perception !!! AEF0009.mp4
  7. This thread is WestJet and Swoop ?????
  8. Try this stuff........ Scottish brewery Brewmeister has made the strongest beer in the world, clocking in at 67.5 percent ABV. The subtly named Snake Venom is brewed with a one-two punch provided by doses of beer and Champagne yeasts.
  9. Only in "Smallville" out here On my way to get groceries this morning I stopped at a new gas station quite near the Mall to get a cup of hot chocolate. As I walked up, I noticed 2 police officers watching a woman who was smoking while fueling her car. I saw her and thought, is this lady stupid, crazy, or both, especially with the police standing RIGHT there..But anyways, I minded my own business and went inside and got my beverage. As I was paying for my drink, I heard someone screaming!! Like I’m talking violent death screams!! I looked outside and I saw that this woman's arm was on fire!! She was swinging her arm, running around going nuts!! Like she was bat sh!t crazy. When I got outside, the police had the woman on the ground and they were putting the fire out!! Then they put handcuffs on her and threw her in the police car. I was thinking, arrested?? Shouldn’t she be in an ambulance, not a police car!?? And being nosy, I asked the police what they were arresting her for.The officer looked at me, dead serious, and said,"Waving a firearm" !!
  10. plan to wean the space station off NASA's public funding of $3 billion to $4 billion per year. So lets say the average cost is 3.5 B /yr , even with the "customers" up there. Lifespan is 8 more years so the cost would be 28B Imagine what that could do to START to clean up the environment Yes, I know I am urinating into the wind but it is unbelievable what it has cost, and will cost, and the return for humanity is so negligible.
  11. What happens at Las pirámides in San Andres when you peel a banana at approximately 30 feet...
  12. Willie Nelson's name is in the article Malcolm posted......and I think moeman was quoting that as a "funny"....? Really slow day today but hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving...?
  13. If Trump is holding a rally and someone throws a shoe at him, does the Secret Service yell " Hey, Donald-Duck ! " ?
  14. That is not a flip phone, just a 2005 Nokia "flat key-scroll phone" This is a "flip-Phone"
  15. Can't get the video to play but I would consider fixing a toilet anywhere as a crappy job.......?
  16. I had a 4 then a 6 and last Christmas my daughter gave me an iPhone 11. Lots of "doo-dads" and functions on it I do not use but what really impresses me is the battery life.
  17. Notice that the 6 S Plus (boestar)..is not mentioned but the iPhone 6 Plus is stuck at ios 12
  18. Not obsolete...Those that produced the app felt that most Canadians had moved up to newer phones. They were aware that it would not work on iPhone 6 or earlier iPhones but felt if they prefaced the production of the app and made that fact known they would be seen as Apple and Samsung promoters.....so little if anything was said when the App was launched. However it created an uproar when it was found that many had not upgraded their phones and were complaining about it to Health Canada.....I dunno, but I guess they were in a hurry to get the app out there before COVID was over but......little did they foresee.
  19. ....... Individuals can carry personal locator beacons; ships, pleasure craft, and aircraft can store beacons on board in case of emergency, which Cospas-Sarsat uses to determine their position....... Based on my experience in SAR (RCC HFX) the biggest problem is the reluctance of persons to carry PLB because of the human tendency to disregard the possibility of requiring help, (I'm never gonna get lost, I'll never have a problem where I am going etc) In addition is the cost of acquiring a beacon, they are relatively expensive, $200.00-$500.00 depending on what features you want. Today most people feel a cellphone has everything they want and feel with a cell phone the individual requiring assistance can get to someone no matter where they are, and that is just not true. While most commercial boats carry some kind of ELT , the emphasis on "most".....again is not true and once again cost becomes the hurtle. Canadian recreational aircraft are required to carry and ELT but the old version, 121.5MHz, is being phased out and 406 MHz will be mandatory by 2024. (The 121.5 were very limited in range and would only be picked up if activated and someone was looking for the aircraft...(not satellite receivable). My middle son and his wife are life long mountain climbers/skiers and they BOTH carry PLBs. If you are inclined to trek about in the wilderness, climbing and skiing, what price would you put on your personal safety should you require immediate help??
  20. To be used as soon as feasible after lift off.... .
  21. At times I wish I could escape reality and live in the dream world most of NASA populates....
  22. MARSHALL..... CONEHEAD is merely quoting a passage from the article. You posted the entire article so when he quoted that section, you as the author of the entire post, were personally quoted as... "MARSHALL SAID". CONEHEAD....Just a hint.........The only way around confusion is to highlight a section you want in your post ,then (copy/paste), put it in your post and change the color or italicize etc....THEN start your comment?
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