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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Sorry Malcolm.....I do not see the connection........BORN TO BE ALIVE / EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY JMO ......but the clip from the BB movie does not resonate, for me, with Patrick Hernandez's video. Thankfully, there are times when we all see things in different sound and hues?
  2. Sorry, dull grey matter I guess, I don't follow .....
  3. Amazing !!! So many young people actually moving without an electric gizmo in their hand
  4. I guess I will agree...to a point. Every time we flew to the UK and then left the next day there was a complete plate of freshly cut sandwiches on the centre console for the two pilots.....On every flight I was on, we shared the sandwiches with the cabin crew. On domestic flights the front end had "J" class meals...you can imagine my surprise when I was offered "surf and turf" for dinner when I was used to the Military box lunch ...... CP bought WD and all that ended. My first flight back to the UK after the sale and then returned the next day saw us looking at two wrinkled apples and an orange on the centre console? During an interview MAX was asked about the meals onboard WD and he stated that feeding the crew and passengers was the lowest cost of the entire operation.There is no doubt that WD was the premier CHARTER airline around but the desire to compete on the domestic front was the beginning of the death knell.
  5. Partially true J.O.....One of the problems of today is that passengers no longer want to sit in an aluminum sardine tube for 10 hours where the service amounts to close to nil. You, and everyone who flew on WD, got service beyond what any other airline could offer. The pax were spoiled......but it sure was fun..?
  6. Well, when most people go into the hospital, be it for day surgery /visiting/lab service, they normally carry a few $$$. And, when most people visit a casino they come out with $ 0.00 but the Casino guys aren't heartless...they want to see that you can get your car out and go home without any fees, and more importantly want another parking spot freed up.?
  7. Sorta like Viagra.... ( I guess)
  8. Don't Forget The Old Folks at Christmas...Thank You.. XMASAEF.mp4
  9. The late Princess Grace, (Kelly), was visiting Montreal via St Hubert RCAF station and I happened to be there as I was passing through with a jet to Bagotville and had stopped for gas. Her transport was a RCAF CV-580.... Just aft of the pilot seats is a sextant mount, which had a hole right through the cockpit ceiling. and that is where we normally flew VIP flags on taxi out and taxi in. In this case, it was a very rushed departure as the Princess had taken ill and was being flown to NYC for medical care.......((unfortunately she had a miscarriage and lost the baby after arrival in NYC)) All aircraft on the ground at YHU were stopped in order to expedite their departure... We watched as they rolled out onto the runway and accelerated for takeoff...but the Monaco flag was still flying as they accelerated !!! I guess at about 80-100kts the flag had started to bend and then an audible "pop" could be heard as the flag and the standard arced over the tail and bounced down the runway. A touch of humour on an otherwise sad day.
  10. Ottawa Radio Station ... A call in about the weather
  11. This is kinda the year it has been sunday.MP4
  12. This is the long version.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNJ-hBA_-80
  13. Nailed The Landing today.................mp4
  14. Thanks, but I bought mine a few weeks ago in Calgary, and it is new and at fair price.
  15. One of my sons and his wife are avid rock climbers. They have climbed all over the world and one of the areas they like to climb is in Alberta, especially in the winter when they can go up frozen waterfalls This an actual true video of two other climbers ascending an iceberg and goes to show you just how an addition of 200-300 lbs on the side of a small iceberg can have, "almost", deadly consequences... berg.mp4
  16. Fun = 10........Post fun - relationship = 0 pannnnnn.MP4
  17. Friday Toe Tapper///Have a nice weekend aef.mp4
  18. I don't think that is a real approach chart.........
  19. Wednesday's Wonder.... LADYVA...started playing the piano at age 14, (now 31), and is one of the top female Boogie Woogie piano players., (also called the "Madonna of the keyboard" cause she doesn't mile that often...but she can play?
  20. The head of a U.S. biotechnology company developing one of the most promising COVID-19 vaccine candidates says Canada is not far behind other countries on receiving doses of its vaccine, despite criticism of the government's procurement plan from the Conservative opposition. "Canada is not at the back of the line," Noubar Afeyan, co-founder and chairman of Moderna, told CBC's chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton on Sunday. Afeyan said that because Canada was among the first countries to make a pre-order with Moderna, the country is guaranteed to receive a certain portion of the company's initial batch of doses as long as the vaccine proves safe and effective and is given regulatory approval. "The people who were willing to move early on with even less proof of the efficacy have assured the amount of supply they were willing to sign up to," Afeyan said in an interview on Rosemary Barton Live. "Nothing that happened subsequently can affect that." Moderna's mRNA vaccine is currently in Phase 3 clinical trials and preliminary data released two weeks ago show it appears to be 94.5 per cent effective. Millions of doses procured The federal government secured an agreement on Aug. 5 with Moderna for 20 million doses of its vaccine, with the option to procure an additional 36 million doses. The U.S. announced a deal for up to 500 million doses just days later, while the U.K. and European Union inked deals with Moderna only in the past two weeks. In total, Canada has procured up to 429 million doses from seven companies — the most per capita of any country in the world, according to research from Duke University's Global Health Institute.
  21. Thanks Malcolm... 'Just went and turned the heat up after browsing the pics. At my age I have every G.D, snowflake ?
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