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  1. Sometimes I think they use the equation N-1 for staffing levels. N being the number of main boys you need.
  2. I hope the boys got something good. I know they have been short staffed, worked hard by being given extra work (maint doing cabin fixes) and chronically understaffed.
  3. Was in CUN the other week. While we were taxing out, we heard a discussion between a Flair flight and ground. The short of it was, they will not get taxi clearance until they talk to the maintenance company down there. It sounded like they aren’t paying their bills down there.
  4. Have seen some lights that look about as bright as Venus, and then it’s gone. No movement, just an irregular pulse that last about a minute or so and then goes away. We timed it, and it’s not a regular pulsing. I’m thinking some sort of rotating satellite maybe. Did fly with some guys who saw the one that move rather quickly, but I haven’t been that lucky. Most guys think it’s the Yanks with their new toys rather than Mork from Ork.
  5. When I think about how many good people I know that were turned down by AC during their hiring process….and then I see this pilot and his actions…. I guess maybe those thousand personality questions aren’t working so well after all.
  6. Which one? There was an abundance of those down there?
  7. I went down to Dayton Ohio last year. https://maps.app.goo.gl/ehWx8juLkcXeVknN6?g_st=ic If you in any way interested in aviation, this place is a must. I could have spend days just walking around the place. And of course, they have the last remaining Valkyrie on display there.
  8. The news out of this place lately can be squarely placed at the feet of Angry Grampa, who feels that he has been the only one responsible for the success of WJ, and so only he himself should reap the rewards.
  9. Goto love big business in the western world. Your own workers are refusing to work for the wages you are offering, so the answer is to bring in more TFW to fill the gap.
  10. Competition Bureau raises concerns about WestJet-Sunwing deal https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/bank-of-canada-raises-rate-by-50..................................... I think this is the link you want........Kip https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/competition-bureau-raises-concerns-about-westjet-sunwing-deal-1.6125608
  11. A question for the maint guys/girls…. I understand that a lightning strike inspection involves looking for physical damage, but I hear that an inspection is also done on the engine to see if it’s become magnetized. What is involved in bringing a struck airplane back online after an event like this?
  12. Give us AC Years of Service pay, and see how many guys from WJ would jump over for a DEC 37 position.
  13. The A10 shoots em up… the farmers drag away the corpses.
  14. Is the an unwritten competition these days as to who can fly the ugliest livery these days?
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