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Everything posted by deicer

  1. Thanks for the info! Probably a lot better than most of the youtube and tiktok videos out there
  2. It appears the earth might be entering a phase of heightened volcanic and seismic activity. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/supervolcanoes-earthquakes-flegrei-long-valley-caldera-rcna121781 Two supervolcanoes, a world apart, have the attention of scientists Minor earthquakes around the Campi Flegrei volcano in southern Italy are stoking some fears of an eruption. Disturbances at the Long Valley Caldera in eastern California are also being studied, though scientists say there's no cause for alarm. Two long-dormant “supervolcanoes” on two separate continents appear to be stirring to life. Well, maybe. In recent months, more than a thousand minor earthquakes have rattled the area around the Campi Flegrei volcano in southern Italy, stoking fears that it may soon erupt again after nearly five centuries. Some 6,000 miles away, scientists have for decades recorded similarly small earthquakes and instances of ground deformation at the Long Valley Caldera, a volcano in eastern California that sits adjacent to Mammoth Mountain. But does all this seismic unrest really portend a volcanic eruption? It sort of depends on whom you ask. Most experts say there is no immediate threat of an eruption at either Long Valley or Campi Flegrei. Both volcanoes are calderas — sprawling depressions created long ago by violent “super-eruptions” that essentially collapsed in on themselves — which are often more challenging to forecast compared to the large mountain-shaped features that people typically imagine when they think of volcanoes. Seismic unrest can be a sign that a volcano is waking up, but the full story is much more complex. Both Campi Flegrei and the Long Valley Caldera are known as supervolcanoes, a term used to describe a volcano that at one time has erupted more than 240 cubic miles of material. Michael Poland, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey and the scientist-in-charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, said that while Campi Flegrei and Long Valley are capable of huge explosions, the supervolcano moniker can be misleading. “The first thing people think is that there’s going to be a civilization-ending eruption,” Poland said. “You can have an impactful explosion at these places, but the vast majority are smaller eruptions with less explosive lava flows.” That hasn’t quieted concern in the communities that border the caldera systems. The Italian city of Naples and its surrounding towns are all in close proximity to Campi Flegrei, and local government officials have been planning how to evacuate tens of thousands of people from the area, if needed. The last time Campi Flegrei erupted was in 1538, and one of the system’s biggest explosions occurred around 39,000 years ago. In September, the former head of the Vesuvius observatory at Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology told Reuters that the earthquake swarms were causing ground uplift in the area, which could lead to structural damage in the port town of Pozzuoli, located roughly 20 miles outside of Naples. Christopher Kilburn, a professor of volcanology and geophysical hazards at University College London, said the last period of seismic unrest at Campi Flegrei was in the 1980s. Kilburn said the ground in the town of Pozzuoli was lifted nearly 2 meters, or almost 6.5 feet, over two years. Still, there was no big eruption. Fast-forward to today, and Kilburn said there are some key differences with the seismic unrest that has been observed. “The difference is that today, the uplift has been a bit more than 1 meter, but over 20 years, not two,” he said. “And so this whole uplift has lasted 10 times longer and it has been about 10 times slower.” Still, Kilburn thinks the current activity at Campi Flegrei indicates that the structure of the volcano’s crust is changing. In a study published in June in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, Kilburn and his colleagues used a model to analyze the volcano’s behavior and found that the crust of Campi Flegrei is becoming weaker, making it more prone to rupturing. But even if the crust reaches its breaking point, that wouldn't necessarily have catastrophic consequences, Kilburn said. “If there’s a rupture, there is no guarantee that magma is going to erupt,” he said. “And that’s why with the observatory there, the official releases cover anything from just an increase in seismicity through to a small eruption, because we can’t really tell where we are in that just yet.” Calderas are often difficult to study because they are vast depressions over top of huge magmatic systems. Campi Flegrei, for instance, stretches 7 to 9 miles across. The Long Valley Caldera in California is about 10 miles wide. And one of the most famous calderas in the world, at Yellowstone National Park, measures 30 miles by 45 miles, according to the U.S. National Park Service. Coincidentally, the Long Valley Caldera also saw an uptick in earthquake activity in the 1980s and has been seismically stirring for decades, but scientists have been less concerned overall about a major eruption there in the foreseeable future. That's because there have been signs that the magma beneath it has been cooling. Ettore Biondi, a research scientist in the division of geological and planetary sciences at the California Institute of Technology, has tried to understand what has been unfolding in recent decades at the Long Valley Caldera. Biondi and his colleagues published a study last month in the journal Science Advances detailing a novel way of gathering acoustic sensing data with fiber-optic cables to capture snapshots of what is happening beneath the caldera's surface. An eruption cannot be ruled out completely, but the researchers found that a solid rock structure is actually covering the magma chamber at the Long Valley Caldera, which is likely preventing big eruptions from occurring. “That doesn’t imply that you can’t have smaller eruptions, but from a supervolcanic eruption perspective, I think as of now we are on the safe side,” Biondi said. He added that this method of gathering high-resolution underground images could be used at other volcano systems around the world, and particularly at ones that are not well understood. The results could help scientists better anticipate what is happening at volcanoes when they start to stir. “For certain volcanoes, we know very well what’s going on,” Biondi said. “For other volcanoes, we have no idea.” The inability to create reliable eruption forecasts owes largely to the fact that volcano systems are so varied. The way one volcano comes to life is not necessarily how others around the world signal an eruption is imminent. “We have to spend a lot of time on the volcanic system, monitoring it to understand what’s normal at that volcano, and then be able to recognize when something becomes abnormal,” said Poland, of the U.S. Geological Survey. Yellowstone, for instance, is hit by an average of around 2,000 earthquakes every year, and that seismic activity is not considered out of the ordinary, he said. At places like Campi Flegrei and the Long Valley Caldera, scientists have been putting in the work to understand what all the rumblings and geological changes really mean. “Volcanoes are sort of like people — they all have their own personality,” Poland said. “A big part of volcanology and monitoring active volcanoes is getting to understand the personality of the specific volcanoes that you’re interested in. And some volcanoes are noisier than others.”
  3. Not aviation, not environmentally correct, but, dayum!!!
  4. https://avgeekery.com/b-58-hustlers-sonic-booming-record-setting-machines/#google_vignette B-58 Hustlers Were Sonic Booming and Record Setting Machines
  5. https://www.iflscience.com/we-may-have-just-had-our-first-ever-fight-in-space-71458 We May Have Just Had Our First-Ever Fight In Space A video appears to show the first military fight in space. Humanity may have conducted its first-ever fight in space last week after Israel claims its air force shot down an "aerial threat" outside of the Earth's atmosphere. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) claims that it shot down a surface-to-surface missile allegedly fired from Yemen on 30 October using its Arrow system. According to the Telegraph, the missile flew almost 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) before the missile-defense system shot it down. Details of the incident are few, but the Telegraph reports that it took place above the official boundary of space, known as the Kármán Line, 100 kilometers (62 miles) above the Earth. If true, this would likely be the first ever military fight in space. Yemen’s Houthi militia claimed responsibility for the missile launch. According to Israeli Aerospace Industries, the Arrow 2 interceptor can intercept and destroy incoming tactical ballistic missiles and is "designed to operate in the atmosphere, and out [in] space", though this is the first time such capabilities appear to have been tested. The Arrow system, according to Haaretz, has only been used twice in operations in 25 years and has come under criticism for its enormous cost. "The successful interception is about much more than protecting the residents of Eilat and dealing a blow to the Houthis’ boastfulness,” an Israeli defense official told Haaretz, going on to claim that Iran had backed the attack. “Primarily, it proves to Iran, which was behind the launch and supplied the missile, that Israel has the ability to act against its missile program, and this has much broader implications for the regional conflict.”
  6. Once again, your assumption is wrong
  7. https://theaviationgeekclub.com/heres-why-the-tu-16-wing-to-wing-in-flight-refueling-system-took-a-heavy-toll-on-badger-crews-nerves/#google_vignette Here’s why the Tu-16 wing-to-wing in-flight refueling system took a heavy toll on Badger crews’ nerves
  8. Then they should arm the cabin crew as well. And maybe even have a 'trusted passenger' program so they can carry guns. As for the number of crimes prevented by armed civilians, the armed civilians shooting people accidentally(or intentionally) only adds to the crime rate. Remember, one of the most heinous aviation crimes was committed with box cutters. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
  9. Following second amendment logic, this could have all been avoided only if the Captain had a gun.
  10. Well, the reason I post things like that is to engage my friends on AEF and to allow them to contribute some humour in these interesting times.
  11. AC flight LHR-YYZ diverts to YUL to remove unruly passenger. https://www.cp24.com/news/video-shows-police-removing-disruptive-passenger-from-toronto-bound-overseas-flight-1.6613222 Video shows police removing 'disruptive' passenger from Toronto-bound overseas flight Video has surfaced of the tense moment a passenger on a Toronto-bound international flight was removed by police after the plane was forced to change course due to his “disruptive” behaviour. In video of the incident obtained by CTV News Toronto, a man on the packed flight from London’s Heathrow airport can be heard screaming as Montreal police officers board the plane during the unplanned stop and escort him off in handcuffs. The passenger who shot the video, who asked not to be identified, said the man’s removal came after he was restrained to his seat by flight attendants where he “kicked and screamed” for over an hour. “I believe he damaged a seat while he was restrained. A passenger that was near him had to be relocated while this occurred for his safety,” she said in an email, adding it’s unclear what led to the passenger’s seemingly erratic behavior. In a statement issued to CTV News Toronto, a spokesperson for Air Canada, which was operating the flight, confirmed the plane diverted to Montreal Saturday evening “as a safety precaution due to a disruptive passenger.” “Authorities met the aircraft and, after the individual was deplaned, it carried on to its final destination of Toronto,” the spokesperson said. Air Canada said there were 381 customers on the Boeing 777 aircraft at the time. It’s unclear what charges, if any, the removed passenger will face as a result of the incident. CTV News Toronto has reached out to Montreal police for more information about the passenger’s removal but has not yet received a response.
  12. If you live in the GTA, you know.....
  13. https://avgeekery.com/the-crusader-the-last-gunfighter-was-one-impressive-engineering-triumph/
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