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Everything posted by J.O.

  1. Ain’t that the truth! I considered using a kayak to get to work this week.
  2. Westjet has kept up to 8 of their 737 Max aircraft parked here in Abbotsford since December but recently that number has been decreasing. There have been two more departures just today. The one that's just leaving is headed to Marana, Arizona. Is this for longer term storage in a drier environment?
  3. Standard equipment on the 787 and some others including the 737 MAX. http://www.b737.org.uk/images/leap.jpg
  4. JD sounds like a fine, upstanding citizen. /S
  5. No severance? How will he ever survive? /s
  6. IIRC, instead of taking water samples at all of the required sites, they took them all from the same source. My dad did the same job in the town of Ayr at that time. Before the "Common Sense Revolution" (talk about an oxymoron) cutbacks, he'd get testing results from the lab in a day or two. When Walkerton happened, it was taking a lot longer.
  7. I respectfully disagree. My aunt died in one of those 60's era cars in a relatively low speed head-on collision. Instead of the car taking the brunt of it, she did. She'd still be here if she'd been in my 2012 Infiniti. The crumple zones helped me to walk away with no significant injuries.
  8. Given that this situation has cost Boeing $5 billion (and counting) and several people have been fired, I'm not sure what more of a lesson they'd need to change their behaviour. The industry and the travelling public aren't stupid. If Boeing doesn't change their ways, they both will give Boeing their final lesson by taking their business elsewhere. This is also the way the world works.
  9. You don't change safety behaviours by doling out punishment unless willful intent is clear. In most cases, you'll have much better success changing behaviours by changing the systems and cultures that create them.
  10. Hope it doesn't have the space equivalent to an MCAS system.
  11. They use them all the time for just that.
  12. Or one could argue they’re helping the zoo maintain an outdated tradition of keeping wild animals captive for the viewing pleasure of humans.
  13. There's already one government in hot water over a quid pro quo ...
  14. So if the FAA, TC and other CAA's around the world all agree to certify the 737 MAX, will CUPE, AAFAU etc. accept that, or do they have some other "higher" expectations?
  15. ... and CV580s and 30 year old King Airs and Cheyennes. Sounds to me like someone is looking for an excuse to go shopping in Montreal to buy a few votes.
  16. OCTOBER 30, 2019 / 1:10 PM / UPDATED AN HOUR AGO U.S. lawmakers question Boeing's $1 mln rebate clause for Southwest 737 MAX orders David Shepardson, Tracy Rucinski (Reuters) - To convince Southwest Airlines Co (LUV.N) to buy the Boeing 737 MAX, the plane maker reassured the airline that pilots would not need expensive simulator training and backed up the promise with a $1 million per plane rebate if training was needed, U.S. lawmakers said on Wednesday. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-airplane-southwest/u-s-lawmakers-question-boeings-1-mln-rebate-clause-for-southwest-737-max-orders-idUSKBN1X92D4
  17. IMHO, we’re getting very close to willful negligence, which is much, much worse.
  18. You can’t really appreciate the effect of startle factor until you go through it. And a simulator session that starts with a training briefing cannot accurately simulate what it’s like.
  19. I heard a similar account from an air safety guy with a large Boeing operator. It reminded him of his first attempt to fly out of a simulation of the Delta L1011 windshear in Dallas.
  20. For Air Canada's sake I hope Omni has upped their game. Reliability has not been one of their strengths.
  21. You don't build three new simulators in a couple of months. Unless the grounding goes on for much longer than anticipated, these will not be ready in time.
  22. Boeing has now filled ramp space with 737 Max's at three satellite airports and are working on a fourth. They're going all in on this one and are no longer playing with house money.
  23. Regardless of the words chosen to describe it, there is zero difference between our military's mandate and capabilities today vs those of five or more years ago. Let's face it, our military "strength" is but a peashooter when compared to that of most of our allies. Our country is both too large and too sparsely populated to afford much more. I'd much rather see us put more into the SAR program than spend ridiculous amounts of money on a boondoggle like the F35.
  24. https://theairlinewebsite.com/topic/449386-the-circle-is-almost-complete-ac-buys-minority-stake-in-chorus-cpa-amended/
  25. No need to duck Malcolm, but this is a tad naive, IMHO. Aviation services are woven deeply into the fabric (and economy) of much of the world today. Take it away and all of a sudden a great many people who have little to do with aviation are nonetheless out of work.
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