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More bad news for AC

Guest lancaster

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Guest lancaster

Frankly Dagger, I'll play your childish game as well, and tell you that your opinions of me don't phase me one bit. On the other hand, your postings for the last 6-8 months have shown an increased level of stress possibly associated with your affiliation to one of Canada's carriers. And rightfully so. I post fact, opinion and controversial topics that all should participate in, regardless of how you feel toward the topic or issues at hand. However, you are becoming less and less willing to accept fact and news as it appears in the media, possibly due to the fact that, AC is in far worse shape than you are willing to see and believe. Their spin doctors are very good. But it takes even sharper people yet to see through the web. I take great pride in being able to dissect information and make my own conclusions as to what is being presented. That's why a salesman always ends in a dead end road when trying to put a spin on why I should buy this or that. That's exactly what is going on right now at AC. Their selling their plan, and you are having trouble reading doctors at work.

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Guest Patrick Bergen

Given the recent news I would even add a current timeline:

Collenette makes an announcement that Air Canada will have a "made in Canada" solution much to the puzzlement of those at Air Canada.

It is well known that Schwartz is working with the Texas group to make a bid for Air Canada.

Collenette then appoints separate accountants to confirm that Air Canada is abiding by current ownership restrictions in its selection of investors.

Air Canada chooses two investor groups. Schwartz is not included.

I am guessing that Colenette became aware that Air Canada would not be choosing Schwartz and then tried applying pressure. This type of legal manouvering is usually the work of those involved in corporate takeovers. It is not usually done with the assistance of a federal government. Just my opinion.

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