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Hawkeye says Jazz Profit

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In the news release cited, there was an increase in load factor. There is nothing about profit. My understanding is that Jazz is compensated under a "capacity purchase" agreement. So does it really matter how many RPMs versus ASMs you fly? IMO, all that matters is how much Air Canada has paid you for the service provided. Come to think of it, has Jazz even been paid one cent since Air Canada filed for bankruptcy protection?

Now as far as Mr. T's question "what amount of profit came from the "ex" mainline routes..BNA, MCI etc...."?

Likely the answer is that Air Canada had the opportunity to fly these routes but was not successful in operating them profitably.

This may bode well for Jazz as the "cost effective national airline".

But, back to you, Hawkeye. The load factor at Jazz has increased. Where did you get the part about Jazz making a profit?

Maybe the industry is turning the corner. Good luck to all.

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