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A Moment of your time....Please

Kip Powick

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I know many of you are always in a hurry, what with the job, the kids etc., and I’m sure there are times when you just say “I don’t have enough time!”

I would ask that you take the time to view this small video at the accompanying link. I know it is early but I will not be here on Nov 11th so thought I would post it now. I would imagine most of you will select the "mpeg" version.

Passed to me by an ex-mil buddy who now drives for Cathay.

Please Take a moment

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Guest Kilo Mike

Morning Kip.

Truely one of the best posts... and a must do. It's copied and forwarded to my whole list. Thank you so much for providing the link.


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Guest MikePapaKilo

G'day Kip.

Thank you for such a superb post.

On Thursday we will lead our 100+ strong Air Cadet unit in our local Remembrance Day Parade. Five of our finest Flight Sergeants and Sergeants will form the Cenotaph Honour Guard. One of our best cadet musicians is called upon to be the Trumpeter for the ceremony. We are very pleased that there is competition among our cadets for this duty, standing, heads bowed, drill rifle muzzles down for the 45 minutes of the service.

This video will be down loaded and played for our next training night. It is especially valuable with its inclusion of young people in the video. Every tool we can use to keep a strong awareness in our cadets and their friends, and the community is a valuable tool.

Thanks !


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