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Dick's Agenda

Guest Kal

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Some of the smarter participants of this pig pen,,,,,, errr I mean forum, are scratching their heads trying to figure out what Dickster is trying to accomplish.

Some folks smarter than I have already eliquently pointed out the blindingly foolish notion that a restructuring agreement ratification could be held hostage by a binding arbitration.

So what is the agenda??

Well like any good terrorist what Dick is advocating is to threaten to blow the whole airline up,,,unless something changes.

It's pretty clear (at least to me,,, cause we've seen it before) that Dick is hoping that whatever direction Keller may be headed can be influenced by the threat to tear down the whole sheebang if he has the audacity to mess with Dick's own vision of what his carreer path should look like.

I can see it now Dick in his black pyjamas,

C-4 vest velcroed (velcroe is better cause it's easier to get quickly on and off) securely in place waiving his AK under Keller's nose and deperately tring to flick the Bic that will blow us all to smithereenies if'n Keller doesn't Kow Tow to his demands. Allah Akbar Dicky.

The joke however is on Dick. He seems to forget that the final arbitor of his professional carreer is watching his every move. Yes that would be the guys who the corporation owes BILLIONS of dollars to. They have to believe that it is a reasonable risk for them to cash in their interest for a piece of ownership in the "NEW" AC. After watching a little of this charade I would be shocked if any of them are still in the building. Why in the he!! would any of em want anything to do with the gang of terrorists that are supposed to be piloting this ship. A veritable stampede for the exits I predict.

So keep it up Dick. You can be proud of the part you played in the death of the airline.

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