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My 2 cents worth!


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I am fairly new to this forum and I have said this before...we need to band together in order to make this airline leaner and more efficient to better compete.

In terms of competition, we must now consider the likes of AA, US and possibly (hopefully for AC) UA on top of WS and SG. These companies are now working with a much lower cost structure and they compete with AC on various routes.

CCAA.....simply put, I fully endorse the "get their heads out of the sand" comment RM had vis a vis the union leaders. Every single union had the opportunity of accomplishing what unions of AA did with their Management. Under CCAA we can only rely on what the creditors have to say about our business plan moving forward. This means that they will call the shots on several big ticket items including wages and staff productivity. AC will present a revised business model which may very well end up being refused by major creditors on the grounds that the proposed wage cuts for unionized and non unionized are not deep enough...IMO..these same creditors will be looking for far more than $650M when you consider that our DIP financial relief is currently at $1.05B CAD. Things like current wages of $22/hr for call centre agents will NOT be acceptable for these creditors who will ask for academic and work related requirements for these types of positions and find out that a simple high school degree suffices. You can bet your bottom $ that they would much rather recommend outsourcing altogether or wages closer to min wage levels. I am not trying to foster fear nor am I trying to denigrate Call Centre employees ...I am just using this as one example...the same could be said and done about non unionized (much more easily for that matter)...

All this to say that on the National (last night) Buzz argued that the C.A. they had with AC are legal docs protected by the law and that AC had better think twice about messing with them.....newsflash for Buzz!!..it is not AC who will call the final shot on this one!!!...yes you and the likes of Pam Sachs have your heads in the sands and I hope that a coup d'etat will occur, one driven by your respective members to apprise you of their discontent (I assume) for letting this get this far!!!

Finally, from absolutely reliable sources...US Airways managed to get 2 cents to the dollar from their unsecured creditors....imagine what some of the major secured creditors had in mind for costs associated to running the airline??

Again, this is not fear mongering...there NOW is a very distinct possibility that AC will be liquidated and lose its legal identity. I for one always said that I could not afford this. I suspect it would not make any significant financial difference for the union leaders, whether AC is there or not.


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