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It's All About Survival

Guest GDR

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After Milton's bombshell on Feb 6 many of us felt that we should be more pro-active in working things out with the company. The statement was made, "better to give too much than too little". Some of us felt that talks between unions and management should be characterized as a constructive dialogue of how we could get this airline back on its feet. Instead the unions treated those taks like a contract negotiation.

In the end, even though ACPA agreed to major concessions at the last possible minute, it all collapsed and we are where we are now.

I'd like to suggest that once again we constructively look at how we can get this airline back on its feet. Let's engage in constructive dialogue with the company to get this company profitable again so that we have a future.

The company is in survival mode. It is still better to give too much than too little. If we give too much it can be recovered through a properly set up profit sharing scheme.

Let's engage the company in a constructive dialogue about our futures. Management and unionized employees are going to have to work together as partners in this enterprize. It is better that, than to negotiate our way into liquidation.



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I've yet to see managements willingness to cut its own ranks,as a matter of fact the opposite is true at YYZ CARGO.I'm willing to give,work more hours whatever it takes but the direction still has to come from management and as of yet we seem to be stuck in limbo.There's only one thing worse then making the wrong decision,most of you know the answer

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Guest BravoHotel


You are absolutely right. It is not about "us" and "them". We are all in this together, and only by pulling together will we emerge from this situation.

Everyone must do their share. Our survival depends on it.

I believe the time for hard-nosed attitudes is long gone.

Brock Higham

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Guest Virtual

Nice to hear a voice of reason. As
Will Rogers once said, "Even if you're
on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Time to get moving ...together.

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The loss of a job at JAZZ is just as painful for the employee involved as when someone loses a job at the mainline.

The idea is that at the end of the day we wind up with as many secure jobs in the Air Canada family as possible.

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Guest givemeabreak

Again I ask, would you include Jazz and the deal with the RJ's scope etc...in this if it was proposed?

Again, I say, I doubt it.

BTW, that was the best political no answer answer I've seen in a while.

We do thank you for the "support" though.

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