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Thank You AEF Members


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Dear AEFers,

I just wanted to pass on a note from Suzy Stenoff, the Founder of the Kelly Shires Foundation. While her letter was addressed to "Air Canada pilots" it will apply to every one of you who took the time to make a contribution. (She also flies a great deal on WestJet as well!)

On behalf of Suzy, I want to thank the AME's, FA's, Jazz and Westjet employees, dot men and everyone else for showing the world what generosity exists in the aviation community.

The main fundraising event will take place in 2 weeks at Huntsville Ontario and I know that the Foundation would be thrilled to continue to see even more donations come in. If you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer, the Kelly Shires Foundation provides financial assistance for women and their families who are undergoing treatment.

Your donations go directly towards helping families survive this terrible ordeal and do make such a big difference to them.

The link to donate is here: http://my.e2rm.com/p...&langPref=en-CA

Dear Air Canada Pilots,

My name is Suzy Stenoff and I am the co-founder of the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation.

I wanted to take the time to let all of you know how grateful the Foundation is for all of your wonderful support. The generosity of the Air Canada pilots has been overwhelming and will make a significant difference in the lives of so many families who are fighting breast cancer.

Every time I fly on Air Canada in the future I will take the time to thank each and every one of you personally for being so wonderful. I always knew when I was in the air that you were taking care of us. I now realize that "taking care" of people is something that you do even when not flying.

I understand that I also owe a special thank you to David Courtney for his assistance in helping out Jane with her efforts.

Kelly Shires was my best friend and for all of you to honour her legacy in the way that you have is unforgettable. I know that many of you who have donated have also been affected by this terrible disease. Until there is a day when cancer is no longer in our vocabulary we will continue to work together to offer financial aid to those battling breast cancer.

I will hug every pilot that I come across in the airport during my travels.

Thank you so very much.

Suzy Stenoff


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  • 2 weeks later...

$14,200.00 for Kelly Shires Foundation.

Thank you to all who took the time to make a difference.

To all my Friends and Colleagues:

I am so very proud to announce to you that from all sources we have collectively raised $14,200.00 for the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation. This is simply remarkable and I will never find the words to convey to all of you how much I truly appreciate the support.

However, you are ultimately not supporting me but the thousands of men and women every year that are faced with the terror and tragedy of breast cancer. Having been privileged enough to meet some of the individuals this weekend who have been aided by the Kelly Shires Foundation, I can tell you that the gratitude these families feel towards the generosity of strangers that have taken the time to donate is indescribable.

I would like to thank my first donors, the fine members of the Osgoode Snowmobile Club. You are the one's who made me feel like asking for money was not as hard as I had feared and gave me the confidence to press ahead. Wayne Swales from Snake Island Automotive, you were the very first donor and I especially would like to thank you for getting the ball rolling.

To the ladies from Hylands golf club, who already do so much in our community, I knew that I could count on you. I am just so glad to have such wonderful friends that are so very selfless and kind.

To the members of the aviation community...the Westjet pilots and Flight attendants, the Jazz pilots, the Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, retired pilots and everyone else...most of you I have never even had the pleasure of meeting which is what makes your support even more meaningful.

We all work in an industry that has suffered a great deal of adversity during the past decade and for all of you to pull together in the way that you have reveals a great deal about the character of the aviation community.

To my wonderful Air Canada pilot colleagues, you have exceeded all expectations. I always knew what a great group of professionals you are but to be witness to your extraordinary generosity has made me so very proud to be an Air Canada pilot.

Many of you have sent in donation during the past week and I will send all of you a personal thank you as soon as I can. There are so many and it will take a bit of time to ensure that I can adequately find words to recognize your wonderful contributions.

Last but certainly not least, I must send out a very heartfelt thank you to Captain David Courtney. I have yet to meet David, but he almost single handed has been the biggest reason that we have raised the amount that we did. He pushed me to set higher goals and relentlessly encouraged his friends and colleagues to get involved.

It sounds very cliché, but I really could not have done it without David. You are such a great man with such a big heart.

In closing, to all of you who have been personally touched by breast cancer, I hope you realize how much I appreciated hearing your stories. It was these personal comments that continued to provide me with such great inspiration. Your loved one's should all be so very proud of what you have done in their honour.

None of this money would have even existed without the wonderful effort and inspiration of Gillienne Smith, Taera McLean, and especially the Directors of the Foundation, Suzy Stenoff and the late Kelly Shires, whose tireless efforts and great vision is why the Foundation exists in the first place.

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making a difference and I hope that you will continue to consider helping out with the Kelly Shires Foundation in the years to come.

Warmest Wishes,


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