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Construction Investigation In QC

Kip Powick

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Rather appropriate considering what is going on with the QC government and its investigation of the construction industry in that Province....:Grin-Nod:


The iron fence around the Premier's

residence in Quebec City was in need of

repair and contractors from Alberta, Quebec

and Newfoundland were bidding for the job so

the three of them went to look at the job to

be done along with a government official.

The Alberta contractor took out a measuring

tape, did some calculations and announced. "I

figure the job will run about $900. of which

$400. is for materials, $400. for my crew

and $100. of profit for me"

The Newfie contractor then measured the area,

did some figuring and announced, "I can do the

job for $700. being $300. for materials, $300.

for my crew and $100. profit for me.

The Quebec contractor didn't measure anything

and didn't do any calculations, simply leaning over

to the government official and whispering "$2,700."

The government official turned back to him saying,

"You didn't even measure or calculate like the other

guys, so how do you come up with such a big amount?"

The Quebec contractor whispers back to him, " $1,000.

for me. $1,000. for you and we hire the Newfie to do

the job"

"Done" replied the government official.

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