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Speaking of Retirement

Kip Powick

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Three old Flight Attendants were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home. About then Roger Ramjet, the recently retired pilot , walked by, and one of the old FAs said, "We bet we can tell how old you are."

Roger stopped and said, "There’s no way you can guess that."

The senior FA said, "Sure we can! With pilots all you have to do is drop your under shorts and we can tell your exact age."

Roger thought for a moment, looked around and undid his pants. The FAs stared at him for a while and then they all piped up and said, "You're 66 years old!"

Roger Ramjet was stunned. "Amazing! How did you guess that?"

The three FAs laughed. Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, and all three happily yelled in unison, " Cause you told us yesterday!"

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Kip, you keep calling yourself a "DOT". What the heck is a "DOT"?

Well you know, when a fella leaves the doorway and starts walking away, he slowly becomes a "dot" on the horizon.

(Probably makes more sense if you live on the prairie...where one can watch their dog run away for 3 days) biggrin.gif

A retiree can be called a "dot" when he walks away from the job...forever.

As I approached the golden moment, many of my peers called me the "Dotman" tongue.gif

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