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Life's mysteries

Kip Powick

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Just re-reading one of my old aircraft operating manuals and it just crossed my mind…why do the publishers sometimes print .. ???

This page intentionally left blank.

Wouldn’t it be more correct to print…..

This page would be intentionally left blank but is not, because we must advise you, that other than this statement, it is being intentionally left blank.

So after a couple more Shiraz, I goooogled this page intentionally left blank and rather than fill the bandwidth with what I found, I would suggest, if inclined, you do the same and see all the pages on the Net that refer to this subject. I did find that the statement ..

This page intentionally left blank rates as one the most untrue statements written….. right up there with this statement. This is a lie.

Language …so much fun and so little time tongue.gif

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Back in the early 70's each Reservation office had a IATA tariff manual which was was 6 inches or more in depth and weighed 20 lbs. This manual included all rules and regulations for all IATA carriers and had to be revised at least monthly.

Every airline in IATA had their own section. Pages 1-20 were designated for fares. Pages 21-50 were designated for baggage rules etc. As a Res agent we knew which page to go to for "live baggage" info as it was standardized.

Some small carriers only used a few printed pages but the rest were left "intentionally blank" in case they needed them in the future.

One time a wellmeaning agent removed the "intentionally left blank" pages and it took a year to restore the manual . Back then there was rhyme and reason to the manuals. Nowadays that info is stored in the computer but it takes mega minutes to find it!

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Nowadays that info is stored in the computer but it takes mega minutes to find it!

Too true! If I have a hard copy (paper that is) of any manual, I can guarantee you, finding the information I need will take seconds flipping pages and blinking well forever on the computer.

Google searches are different. They are more like the old days when one could cruise the library stacks. Looking for a particular book, and then discovering soooo soooo many others that you didn't know were there! And wanting to read them all! biggrin.gif

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