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Time for Another reality Check

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There is an awful lot written on this forum about how it almost looks like AC is out of the woods but what is more perplexing is the attitude that many of employees have regarding the possibility of having to give a little more..

This attitude of "no way...not me man" is going to come back and haunt you. The first quarter (2004), results were just announced tonight and once more AC is in the red to the tune of over 300 million. Now some of that loss is attributed to "restructuring" but you can bet your house some of the loss is because the employees have not met their commitment to cost cutting.

The hard fact is that I really don't have time for the whiners about the possible loss of more income because I really don't think they are looking far enough ahead. You can stand for your principle of "no way ...not me man" but I'll be damned if you can feed your family on "principle".

Time to really ponder your future.......you'all are not out of the woods and I would seriously advise the majority to think about the precipice you are now standing on...It is not as rosey as some think. Only a team effort is gonna save this company and it is time to drop the '60s-80s mentality....Good luck.

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