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Delicate Sound of Thunder

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Scuba 02 has a cold...not earth shattering news, I know........... but it brings to light an interesting observation followed by the obvious question…..

When a man has a cold and it “drops” into the chest area, men often exhibit that guy thing where we really know how “ blow it out and cough it up”. Noise, groans, and grunts as well as facial expressions are not considered; just get that bad stuff out.

Most women, on the other hand, can take a cold and with their penchant for not making testosterone induced obnoxious noises, suffer for 14 days versus the normal 7 days. No matter how much harassing one does to their mate, about having a real good “hack”, they continue to suffer with delicate little coughs and continually excusing themselves and heading for a quiet area in the house. Even then the coughs are hesitant, much like a kitten trying to get up their first fur-ball.

Is it a feminine thing to be so timid when it comes to expunging ones body of the remnants of a cold, or am I just lucky to have a spouse that is so gentle and considerate? ;)

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