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Yo ---- Ray Darr

Kip Powick

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Here is a well done review of the gear you want.


Here are a couple listed on E Bay Canada…pricey little rascals eh ?? I’ve looked at a few forums on these things…..........seems to be a few problems getting them to work on Canada wide networks…Good Luck..


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Guest Ray Darr

Hi Kip!

Thanks for the best review I have ever come across for that unit. I had a chance to use one for a short while and am VERY impressed with them (maybe I should retract that comment for at least a week, because now this will make it harder to locate one if you all rush out and BUY them!). Seriously, it looks like the PDA/Phone with Windows OS has finally been put together right.

Thanks again...happy bubbles, Kip, whenever you and the Mrs. head out diving again.


R.D. (...who is still on his quest to locate an XDA in Canada...one week left before leaving here for the Sandbox again)

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Guest Ray Darr

Hi DC73. I am actually grabbing a 2nd one already :-P - one for me and one for the Mrs.

The best price I have seen so-far is about 960 Canadian, but over in the Gulf. I'm still searching in Canada, hoping to find one before heading back "home" there next week.



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have you ever seen one available in Canada? I almost bought the O2 XDAII when I was in England and then I'd just swap my SIM card in and out depending on where I was at the time...

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