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Livin' on the *Rock*

Kip Powick

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A curious fellow died one day and found himself waiting in the long line of judgment. As he stood there he noticed that some souls were allowed to march right through the pearly gates into Heaven. Others though, were led over to Satan who threw them into the burning pit.But every so often, instead of hurling a poor soul into the fire,Satan would toss a soul off to one side into a small pile.

After watching Satan do this several times, the fellow's curiosity got the best of him. So he strolled over and asked Satan what he wasdoing. "Excuse me, Mr. Prince of Darkness," he said. "I'm waiting in line for judgment, but I couldn't help wondering...why are you tossing those people aside instead of slinging them into the Fires of Hell with the others?"

"Ah, those...," Satan said with a groan. "They're all from Newfoundland.

They're still too cold and wet to burn."

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Guest MikePapaKilo

A way back in the winter of 1973, I was on an AC DC-8 departing YYT for YHZ. I had the window seat, and beside me sat a man who had likely sailed and fished with Noah - maybe taught him how. "First toime on de jit," he said. It had been snowing all week, and the RSC said 100% covered with compacted snow and ice. Here and there the sun glinted off small bits of tire-polished ice. Ideal runway conditions in a Newfoundland winter.

The Old Trout leaned across me and had a look out as we sat at the threshold of 29, waiting to start the roll. Shaking his head in wonderment at the sight of the runway, and with the size of the aircraft in mind, he said: "Maw Dear ! Sure, he's gonna be spinnin' eez toires haff de day 'fore he gits a grip an' gets dis ting movin' !"

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Guest Hawkeye

<< "Ah, those...," Satan said with a groan. "They're all from Newfoundland.

They're still too cold and wet to burn." >>

Just came back from YUL where it was -30 deg. Newfoundland +1.

If how cold something was determined if it would burn or not, then I guess Satan would have endless pile from Northern Ontario to Alberta!

Wet on the other hand will brings to mind Vancouver. One of the most rainy places in Canada, I would venture to guess must have a very large pile of it's own. Nuf said.

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Guest Hawkeye

<< "Ah, those...," Satan said with a groan. "They're all from Newfoundland.

They're still too cold and wet to burn." >>

Just came back from YUL where it was -30 deg. Newfoundland +1.

If how cold something is determines if it would burn or not, then I guess Satan would have an endless pile from Northern Ontario to Alberta!

Wet on the other hand brings to mind Vancouver, one of the most rainy places in the Country! I would venture to guess they must have a very large contingent in it's own pile. Nuf said from the Far East of the Western World.

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