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Kip Powick

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Have attempted to email you about the site problems but the emails keep bouncing back. Have tried every email address you have posted including I want to report a tasteless poste etc.

I am assuming that your mailbox is overflowing with notes from many of us.

Could you post some info with regard to the problems on this site re error messages etc ?


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The email seems to be working fine?

This last week, the bandwidth on the site has been very high. Unfortunately we are hitting the limit for AEF since I need the extra bandwidth for our paying customers.

I will try tweaking it a little more.

BTW, we are looking at other forums to help lower the bandwidth, which may be implemented in the very near future

Mr. P

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No problem from the west coast...when the outside temperature reaches -20, it limits your access in order to conserve energy. You folks in the East can log back on with full access.......about May.:>

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Why not move to a forum system like just about every other forum on the net?

Such as the pprune forums: http://www.pprune.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=2d7bb809394100cc572e4d758f397e25&forumid=13

I'm not sure what the system here was like before the change, but it would seem to me that a system like the one above is much easier to navigate and uses up less bandwidth.

Just my 2 cents, cheers.

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