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Laptop and Desktop ??

Kip Powick

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If any of you are using a laptop and want to sync it to your desktop there a few programs out there that will do the job, and I have had a few…PC Sync was the last. I rec’d a much superior program from my computer guru, (my son), for Christmas.

Not only is it cheaper ( very important for a pilot) but is extremely easy to use, ( also very important for pilots). For example, files are color coded and transferring and updating from one computer to the other is very, very simple.

If interested, drop a note and I’ll point you in the right direction.


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Hmmmmm . I, like you, tried to find PC Sync but could not. I purchased PC Sync in Houston about 4 years ago, about 75.00USD I think, and was never really happy with it. I checked the PC Sync CD, and the cable, and find that it was made by LAPLINK and you can find that site.

The site I would go to is…..


This is the best and easiest program I have ever used.You can download a version to try out and the price to purchase is very reasonable. You will need a USB cable that fits both the Laptop and Desktop so check the size of your ports. The cable I use to sync my Palm and the Laptop/Desktop has different sized ends on it so make sure you purchase the correct size cable if you want to use the sync program.

Good Luck

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