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On behalf of MikePapaKilo

Kip Powick

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This is posted on behalf of MPK who is having a little computer problem......

Dear Admin and All:

Today I posted a message asking for input on digital TV. I was dismayed to find from a subsequent poster's message that an adult-oriented URL had been added to my posting. There was no intent on my part to add that URL.

I did not add the URL, and have come to find out that, over several attempts, there was an adding of random links happening to subsequent postings that I have attempted. Some were clean, others not. I found I could not post a message without a URL being generated and added to my intended posting. I therefore abandoned any further attempts at posting directly. This one is through the kind assistance of ADMIN / KIP.

I have run both a NORTON AV and a TREND MICRO AV scan. Positive results on both. I do not know thought, where the problem with the URL additions may lie. If anybody has an idea on this whole event, such that my computer

needs some sort of work, please email me at MPKilo@hotmail.com

I have checked other forums in which I participate, and neither one has had a scurrilous URL automatically added. Being a computer novice in the extreme, I have no idea why this happend on the airline website. I can only repeat that this was fully and completely unintentional, and I hope it does not occur for any other posters to this site.



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Guest blocked pitot

My computer at work seems to be doing the same thing. Home computer OK. Sorry about the links. Gald to see Admin deleted them.

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Guest blocked pitot

My computer at work seems to be doing the same thing. Home computer OK. Sorry about the links. Everytime I type in a website a work my browser immediately goes to boredlife.com for a split second then to the website I had originally typed in.

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