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You a Cat Lover???

Kip Powick

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It's a slow day and this was sent to me by a cat lover...and I'm not crazy about cats...I'm a dog lover but perhaps cat lovers would enjoy this. Speakers on.

Cat lovers, Go to this site (link is below)

If you tease her with the mouse pointer on her chest or stomach she will purr, and I got her to meow also, by rubbing her forehead with the pointer. If you make a slow circle around her body, not only will her head/eyes follow your pointer, but toward the top, her paw will go up, and when in front of her paws at the bottom, her foot comes out like she wants to play with your mouse pointer. (Don't hold the mouse down, just move it)



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Guest Ray Darr

That was priceless, Kip - for our cats! One was laying on the couch and the other was sitting (as usual) by the food dish. We made it "purr" and they both started "patrolling" looking for the new intruder in our place.


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