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Kip Powick

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With regard to AC’s future, the “documents” you may have are not going to stop the process that is happening. IMO you seem to take glee in pouring salt in open wounds and your often foreboding and “dark” posts do little except inflame those that in the midst of the crisis. Don’t, for a minute, think that AEF’ers were awaiting your return in hopes of garnering information that they were not able to access elsewhere, or that they missed your “expertise” on the subject at hand. I’m sure it was not because they dislike you personally, but rather the fact that most are super saturated with facts and figures about AC’s position. No matter what you post, it will have no affect on what will come out of the pipe and only serves to irritate those whose curiosity causes them to open your posts.

Nothing personal heee LANK..Certainly I post a lot of “junk” on AEF but your many of your “junk” postings seem to be purposely controversial in content and not meant to inform but rather to inflame. Perhaps a little more humility in your postings would enhance your stature with the AEFers. As always…just my opinion

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