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For YYZparkcrew

Kip Powick

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You said down below with reference to my remark about how we did it in CP....

((Not everyone turns ugly Kip just some people dont want to let go.))

An intriguing statement… if you are referring to some in AC not wanting to let go because their attitude is “that’s the way we have always done it”…I would agree.

If, on the other hand, you are inferring that those of us that were once CP “don’t want to let go”, you are sadly mistaken. The merge is a done deal and only a fool would not accept that.However there was/still is, a great reluctance by many to give credit for the things that CP did well in the operational spectrum…Many in AC still disagree and hold the employees, the front line workers, accountable for the demise of CP but lets be real, we just did our jobs, we did not formulate policy etc.

Believe it or not, on the operational side of the house …we did do some things a lot better than AC…but who is going to listen to the “losers”? :)

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Guest yyzparkcrew

No disrespect intended Kip.

I agree with you the merge is a done deal now lets get on with life.

Unfortunately not everyone feels that way and I meant that some people on both sides refuse to let go of the past. (pre-merger) They feel like they have been personally screwed and as such hold a grudge against any one and everyone who was originally on the other side.

I'm not saying all are like that but there are still people out there.

BTW my wife used to work for a trust company and they merged with a bank(think green) so just imagine what my house has been like for 4 years wink wink.


yyzparkcrew(for now)

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Right on Kip - CP and many other airlines do/did things much better than AC but the old-line "We know better" AC attitude prevailed post merger and prevails today. Alas many of the OAC crowd never knew any other way, and they truly believe AC invented aviation.

A golden opportunity to really improve the operation was lost post merger, and I speak as an original AC pilot.

Sad but true.

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