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Everything posted by Seeker

  1. Come on. I expect better from you. Really, attack the source? With out doing a simple search? https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-victoria-update-september-3-new-cases-state-bracing-for-rise-in-hospitalisations-until-more-are-vaccinated/865d8469-e639-41a5-8858-060c2bdb567a https://au.news.yahoo.com/vic-cases-rise-delta-changes-173038752.html https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/unvaccinated-patrons-may-be-locked-out-of-hospitality-venues-when-nsw-reopens-report-c-3804801 https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/coronavirus/2021/09/03/vaccines-victoria-locked-out/ https://www.christianitydaily.com/articles/13199/20210908/australian-government-says-unvaccinated-people-will-be-locked-out-of-the-economy.htm
  2. Well, there's one thing about Covid that's undeniable - we all sure have learned an awful lot about human nature haven't we?
  3. Nice. The perfect use of the "No True Scotsman" argument. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman Congratulations - nailed it.
  4. https://www.rt.com/news/534078-australia-victoria-vaccinated-economy/ Who's going to be first to make a "tin-foil hat" comment.
  5. I'm not going to post anything - don't want to be accused of spreading misinformation.
  6. "If it's not working as perfectly as we'd like." Now that's an interesting way to phrase it. It's quite obviously not working as perfectly as we'd like. Somewhere early in the process we were told that we (society) could throw a bunch of money and our best experts at the problem, have an expedited vaccine ready in a year or so, vaccinate 75%-80%, achieve herd immunity and then Build Back Better. How foolish we have been. Look, I'm not blaming the experts - we just really underestimated the problem or overestimated our ability. Really - not blaming anyone for this. We're all in it together and it turned out to be harder than we thought. So we went from 2 vaccinations to 2 vaccinations with a booster (just another shot of the same stuff) to 2 vaccinations with 2 boosters and the latest from Fauci is talking about boosters every 5 months. And you don't think any of this is worth a second thought? Just carryon and don't ask questions. In my earlier post I posted; "You have to ask yourself; if the first 3 tries didn't work - maybe it was either wrong to begin with or wrong to be doing now?" I don't know why this question should ellict such a strong response from you? At what point do you think it's appropriate to start to ask questions?
  7. Or, some people might say, the dog could put out the fire with a bucket of water and avoid being subjected to the carcinogenic fumes from the fire extinguisher.
  8. Hello Don, thanks for your contribution. I'm not sure you actually read what I wrote. There are various opinions on the validity of Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid but none that say Ivermectin is dangerous when prescribed and used in proper dosages. Ivermectin has been used for 40 years and has a well-established safety profile. My point is that, even though the benefits are not clearly defined, the downside is minimal so you might as well take it just in case. Your links about the danger of using veterinary Ivermectin are totally legit but a separate issue. I did not say that someone/anyone should self-dose with veterinary grade Ivermectin _ that's crazy talk. Yes, Health Canada has not approved Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid. You know what else? Heath Canada has not approved Pfiser as a treatment for Covid. It's "authorized" because it kinda/sorta looks like there's some benefit. Well, Ivermectin kinda/sorta looks like it has some benefit too. My point. The point you replied to - is that Ivermectin costs virtually nothing and has no downside implications when prescribed by a proper Doctor in the proper doses so even if the benefit is unknown (though suspected to be positive) you might as well take it. That's simply opinion and not misinformation. Don, you may wish to watch this video:
  9. I don't want to start the whole argument again. I will say, however, that pulling snippets out of a different conversation months ago in a different context isn't playing fair.
  10. You have to ask yourself; if the first 3 tries didn't work - maybe it was either wrong to begin with or wrong to be doing now? https://www.algemeiner.com/2021/09/04/israel-should-begin-preparing-for-rollout-of-4th-vaccine-dose-pandemic-czar-says/ Israel Should Begin Preparing for Rollout of 4th Vaccine Dose, Pandemic Czar Says ‘Given that that the virus is here and is here to stay, we must also ready ourselves for the fourth jab’ Israel should begin preparing for the eventual rollout of the fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine, the national pandemic coordinator said on Saturday, without specifying when this is likely to occur. “Given that that the virus is here and is here to stay, we must also prepare for the fourth jab,” Dr. Salman Zarka told local radio. The next booster shot should be modified to offer better protection against new variants of the coronavirus, such as the highly transmissible delta strain. “This is our life from now on, in waves,” Zarka said. Israel, a world leader in the vaccination against the virus, is nevertheless struggling to contain the fourth wave of morbidity in the country, driven by the delta variant. So far, over 6,000,000 Israelis, the vast majority of the state’s population, have received at least one shot of the Pfizer vaccine, while over 5,500,000 have received two. Upward of 2,500,000 have already received the third jab.
  11. Wow, enough to bring a tear to my eye. Yeah. Think back the time before Covid. Here's a quoted section from an article from John's Hopkins from 2016: Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — respiratory disease, which kills close to 150,000 people per year. Are we to believe that now in the Covid age that everyone in the medical industry has become infallible? Some anonymous doctor bemoaning the fact that patients now actually have the ability to find a little information for themselves rather than bowing down to their expertise. Medical error killed my mother-in-law. I do not bow down and kiss the feet of "The Doctor". Some doctors are good, some are bad. Some know what they are doing and some don't. Some are lazy, some are hard-working. I should clarify that I think the majority are the: good, know what they are doing, hard-working. If you find one that jives with your personal philosophy and gives you good advice - hang onto him or her. In my 45 years as an adult I've moved and lived all across the country - I have had some really questionable primary care providers.
  12. Yes, it's really unfortunate. The choice to hold a protest outside of an active medical facility is not just questionable - it's downright stupid. It should have been held in Victoria in front of the legislature or in Stanley Park. I'm guessing the feeling was that the protest has to be an inconvenience to people to create an impact - well, as you described, it had an impact but the opposite of what they desired.
  13. Oh yeah, the grocery store - that was due to a bad edit. I started with a longer reply that included the grocery stores in France. I shortened it and in my haste failed in the proofread. Now, what misinformation have I been spreading about vaccine approval? Oh yeah, that the old EUA and the new Crominraty aren't the same - turns out they are. Congratulations, you were right, I was wrong.
  14. Latest from the person involved; he called a supervisor this morning and got an apology for what happened. They are not allowed to ask vaccination status and it is not policy - apparently a rogue agent.
  15. Man, am I ever getting tired of that. Not just here on the forum but everywhere I go. Any sort of negative comment or contrary opinion about Covid, the vaccines or the passports is always met with the same reply; "Careful, your tin-foil hat is slipping. Yuck, yuck, yuck". This, apparently, is the new normal. I must have missed the memo.
  16. Not, fake, I know the individual involved. Maybe some dispatcher or phone operator has decided on their own that it's a good idea, maybe a new procedure that hasn't been publicised yet? What happens when gas stations decide you can't buy gas without your vaccination passport being up-to-date?
  17. Just received this from a co-worker: "I’m stranded on the highway with a flat tire. Called CAA roadside because my car doesn’t carry a spare tire… got through the whole process only for them to refuse to take me because I’m not fully vaccinated… Is this really what Canada has become!?"
  18. On the subject of vaccine passports (short clip 1:30). https://rumble.com/embed/vjcaol/?pub=kxvnz
  19. Here's the important thing about Ivermectin - it costs pennies and has virtually no downside. Everybody suspected of Covid should be prescribed Ivermectin without question - great benefit, small benefit, no benefit - just take it.
  20. Haha! Good one. I'll put an appointment in my Google Calendar for Aug 29th, 2026 to check in with IFG and see who was right.
  21. I believe history will show the anti-vaxxers to have been right. We'll meet back here at 5 year intervals to compare notes.
  22. From the linked article: Unvaccinated people are more likely to become infected, develop severe COVID-19, and die The problem with these sorts of statements is that they get adopted and thrown around without any analysis - used as bold headlines and seen scrolling along the bottom of the screen on your favourite news channel. The risk varies greatly between age groups. Yes, an 85 year old person who is unvaccinated has a significantly greater chance of dying from Covid but they want to vaccinate children. I even read something about Pfizer wanting to develop a vaccine for infants. Infants! I'm terrified about the long term effects of vaccinating babies with this new technology when their bodies are still developing against a statistically very small risk. I'm old. If the vaccine causes a reaction in my body - well, I had a good run but think about the ramifications of some unexpected long term effect on millions of infants. Is it worth the risk to do this? I'm sure everyone remembers the mad-cow situation. Some minor change to they way farming was done and the terrible effects don't show up for 10-20 years. When the problem showed up - all the scientists; "Well, we didn't expect that to happen." In fact, history is full of the best and brightest scientists, doctors, engineers, generals saying, after the fact; "we didn't expect that to happen."
  23. It's interesting to me how fast we have switched from freedoms we used to enjoy to the new paradigm. Forced medical procedures. Two years ago we would have been aghast at the concept. What if I don't want my body co-opted into producing spike proteins? Look, if anyone thinks this is about the vaccine you have lost the plot. It's not about the vaccine - it's all about the vaccine passport. Oh, I hear the objections. "I'm vaccinated but I don't want to be exposed to those unvaccinated people". Does the vaccine work or not? Don't start yapping about "delta". Delta existed long before the vaccines came out. If you chose to be vaccinated the unvaccinated should be not threat to you. Either that or the vaccine has little to no benefit. In any case the vaccine really has no part in this - it's all about the vaccine passport. This whole thing has been co-opted by the Great Reset cabal. Covid is a minor health issue with numerous valid interventions that has been hi-jacked into a global hysteria. Hundreds and thousands of doctors and researchers with expertise in this field have been silenced and censured. It comes down to one thing; do you accept what you are being told (sold) or do you choose to look beyond. I get it, really I do. It's easier and more convenient to get your narrative from the CBC - "everybody line up here to get your vaccine and vaccine passport and we'll be back to normal in no time". Oh, by the way, you need a booster shot in 6 months and every six months after that. Otherwise, you're not considered "vaccinated" and can't travel or go into restuarants or movie theatres. Does anyone not see where this leads? Apparently not. Someone, a long time member, gave me some advise; said I shouldn't post opinion under my "admin" name. He suggested I create an alter-ego alias. I ignored that (again) and posted my thoughts. He'll read this and be nodding his head. Probably best if I bow out.
  24. I think you're wrong Comirnaty is a different vaccine. Really, we're going to do the whole "it's not forced, you have a choice" dance? Yeah, "not forced" except you have to give up your job, give up the ability to travel by air and give up your ability to enter grocery stores. The standard measure is that anything that is "coercive" is "forced" therefore the vaccination is forced.
  25. You are woefully uninformed. Pfizer does not have full FDA approval - it's a shell game. Pfizer "Comirnaty" has been approved but this vaccine is not in production, and is not available. The Pfizer you're going to get is still EUA - that's in the states. In Canada, neither is approved. I have nothing to do with that website so I won't be updating anything.
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