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Everything posted by J.O.

  1. A 777 flying from DEN to HNL is unlikely to be all that heavy and may not have needed to dump fuel anyways. Besides, most twinjets can land at pretty close to maximum takeoff weight in an emergency.
  2. They probably had documentation that didn't at all resemble what their fellow passengers presented.
  3. Want a bet? But I can honestly say I never looked nearly that good while doing it!
  4. The policy is supposed to have been in place since Wednesday night but as of last night there was no guidance on it on any government website. Epic fail.
  5. History is on their side. Last winter when the first cautions about the risks of travel were made public, many people saw it as "China's problem" and travelled anyways. We all know how that turned out vis-a-vis the 1st wave.
  6. Those who chose to travel at this time were rolling the dice with odds stacked heavily against them. It was the equivalent of driving into an ice storm that's been forecast for 3 months and doing it on slick summer tires. Sorry, but I have a hard time being sympathetic.
  7. They aren't posting two different signs though. What they are doing is responding to changing conditions, much like those roads with variable speed limits that adjust with traffic / weather conditions.
  8. I agree. The "variants" justification is a red herring, IMHO. This virus mutates - just like most others. There is no evidence whatsoever that mutations are affected by location. The only way to eliminate variants is to eliminate the virus altogether - and we know how well that's gone so far. Travel isn't our primary problem. If it's that important to all but kill transborder travel, then where are the similarly stringent measures to stop community spread? That's the real threat in this situation.
  9. The government doesn't set the world price of oil.
  10. A similar strategy has worked very well for the Aussies. They've issued heavy fines and published every example of non-compliance with isolation requirements for arriving travellers. A few foreign travellers were even sent back home, forced to buy last minute tickets via some pretty circuitous routes because nothing else was available, all at their own expense.
  11. Based on her description of how they felt when they arrived, I think they were already infected when they left Canada. So if they'd stayed home, at least they'd have been covered on the medical insurance side.
  12. How nice that some guy most Canadians have never heard of has a spare $55 million to go on a joy ride.
  13. BC CDC just revised their testing guidance - again. https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/covid-19/testing "Testing is not recommended if you do not have symptoms, even if you are a contact." This makes sense. One can come into contact with someone who has it, get infected and be on the path to being sick and still test negative for a few days. I know someone whose spouse became ill in the fall. He got tested and it came back positive. She was then sent for a test the day after his result came back, and her test came back negative. A few days later, she was sick too and a second test came back positive. Contact tracing confirmed they both got it from the same person at the same time, but her infection took longer to take hold than his did.
  14. I remember it well. I've always believed that starting off small like that helped them to gain a foothold before the rest of the industry had time to react in a meaningful way. It really was a brilliant business plan.
  15. The former finance minister for Ontario most certainly did try to hide it. He knew there'd be blowback but he took a chance - and lost.
  16. Beyond the optics of her foolish choice, her biggest problem may be yet to come. The TBS does not take kindly to clear violations of the public service ethics guidelines. Accepting such a gift is definitely a huge no-no, even if it wasn't directly connected with her work at PHAC.
  17. In Australia, the government chooses the hotel and you pay a daily rate which includes room, meals, laundry services and a daily allowance for beer / wine. It's non-optional and there are police officers monitoring the place 24/7.
  18. Say what? You just agreed with me. Please read what I sad again. In order to obtain the license, the applicant must meet the conditions of issuance. If they meet those conditions, the government cannot deny them the licence. IOW, they met the conditions, they have a right to obtain the certificate. There is case precedent for this.
  19. One thing I learned during my time in government is that if a citizen meets the conditions of issuance for any authorization or document, the government is duly bound to issue it. This is foundational to our system of government and there is no discretion, no matter what the MTO website might suggest. That means that as long as you qualify, you cannot be denied the certificate. That’s as close to being a “right” as one can get in this area.
  20. They didn't say the ban was only for 72 hours. The NOTAM was issued for 72 hours while they assess the situation more fully. There are a few factors to consider.
  21. Based on the behaviours of most governments these days, that is hardly a uniquely Canadian story. Not making excuses, but it seems we are getting the leadership we deserve as a species.
  22. It was a comparative analogy in response to the notion that most of those dying are elderly - suggesting that the restrictions being implemented are an over-reach because they're going to die anyways. What I meant is that it's naive to suggest that we can lockdown care homes and no other restrictions are necessary. Health care workers have families with kids in school and they have to shop for food like the rest of us. The primary reason why there's been so much spread in care homes is because of staff members being exposed outside of the workplace.
  23. Imagine putting passengers on airplanes with crew who have to work three part time minimum wage jobs to feed their families. They get minimal training in safety protocols, have no understanding of their right to refuse unsafe working conditions and have no sick day benefits, but somehow, they're supposed to magically show up for work and expose the passenger to zero risk.
  24. No carrier since Wardair has made enough to sustain Hawaii out of YYZ. The yield isn't strong enough.
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